Oregon Export Data

Selected Commodities from 1989-1995

This page presents a collection of tables that are not available elsewhere. They are tables of dollar amounts of exports from Oregon to countries of the world for each commodity listed, tallied for the years 1989 through 1995. They are intended to be available for further research and therefore have been left as simple as possible for ease of downloading.. They are, in fact, a portent of things to come, in which such tables will be manipulatable via the web.

Each table comes with the standard United Nations code (C-Code) for each country, and it's Economic classification code (E-Code). In addition, three additional breakdowns (codes) are provided, as elaborated elsewhere.
Most of these tables are lengthy and wide.  Two options are provided 
in each case.  You may view each as an ascii-text table, and/or 
download a Lotus/Excel-format version to view and manipulate on your 
own machine at your leisure.  The downloadable version-links are to be 
found at the end of each text-version.

Oregon's exports to Countries of the World for selected commodities

Questions or Comments may be sent via e-mail: Ali Emami