University of Oregon - Department of Architecture - ARCH 408/508 Cheng, Summer 1998


Mon, June 22  I. Interface & Navigation  To be able to approach a new piece of software: interface and organization  Viewing Chinese house, moving & copying cubes  Form Composition TUT Ch 1 - Intro, 2 - Interface, 4 - 3D objects, 23 - Views;
MOD 4.0 - 4.2
Wed, June 24  II. Geometric Transformations  To be able to edit and create simple forms.  To control with Grids & Snaps Chess pieces  Repetitive bay system  TUT Ch 5 - Picking, 6 - Moving, 7 - Derivative Obj;
MOD 4.3, 4.12 - 4.12.3 Transformations, 4.13 - Attributes
Mon, June 29  III. 2D to 3D, 3D to 2D  To understand the relationship between 3D forms & 2D drawings conventions  Contours & sections  Scanned sketch > form  TUT Ch 9 - Sweeps, 10 - Sections, 11 - Terrain, 17 - Text
MOD 4.9 - Text, 4.10 - 3D Lines, 4.17 - to Drafting
Wed, July 1  IV. Organizing information - symbols, layers and groups  To understand and be able to use organizing functions  Furnishing a restaurant  Layering up systems: kit of parts  TUT Ch 18 - Symbols, 20 - Layers, 22 - Reference planes;
MOD 4.7 - Joining, 4.8 - Grouping, 4.11 - Symbols, 4.16 - Reference planes
Mon, July 6  V. Solids and Boolean operations  To discover emergent forms through boolean operations  Simple Booleans, Vaultbaths  Negative space and Intersections  TUT Ch 15 - Spherical Objects, 16 - Booleans, 21 - Insertions, 25 - Modeling a frame
MOD 4.6.1 - Booleans, 4.14 - Insertions, 4.15 Deletions
Wed, July 8  VI. Surfaces, & distortions  Data format and operations, Solid vs. Surface meshes, Design variation  Office building  Environmen TUT Ch 12 - Curved meshes, 13 - Deformations, 19 Attachments;
MOD 4.6.2 - Trim & stitch, 4.12.5 - 4.12.7 - Attachments & Extensions
Mon, July 13  VII. Rendering Lights & Materials  To be able to manipulate views, lighting and materials  Chinese House - walls & lighting, Bottles  Using Scanned imagery  Add 2.9 Ch 6 - RenderZone;
REN 6.0 - Intro, 6.1 - Producing, 6.2 - Surface Shaders, 6.5 - Lights
Wed, July 15  VIII. Rendering II: Texture mapping & environmental effects  To be able to control textures and global rendering effects  Wood, bricks, trees, fog  Portfolio  REN 6.3 - Texture Map, 6.4 - Decals
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edited June 21, 1998 by nywcheng