University of Oregon - Department of Architecture - ARCH 408/508
Cheng, Summer 1998
VI. Surfaces & Deformations
Objective: To see the sculptural potentials of meshing, skinning and deformations
I. Review of Student Work
Key Shortcuts (Add p.30)
Online Manual
II. Surfaces
A. Types of Surfaces
B. FormZ Data types
- Solid Objects = solids with completely enclosed volumes
- Surface Solids = 2-sided surfaces with no volume
- Surface Objects = lines or 1-sided surfaces
- Meshes = groups of Surface Objects
front with surface normal, back doesn't render
C. Pros & Cons of Surfaces
- Advantages: Model compact, reliable translation
- Disadvantages: no boolean operations, orientation matters for rendering
III. Meshes
A. Mesh & Smooth Mesh
B. Controlled Curves & Meshes
(Tut 12)
(Tut 16.5)
TRY IT: Cross vaults
IV. Skinning
(Add 4.4.4b)
(Tut 19.9)
TRY IT: Create an ivy leaf, a shell & a banana.
V. Design variations with Deformations (Tut 13)
TRY IT: Office building variants
VI. Abstraction and Top-down process
edited July 7, 1998 by