Carlos Aguirre

Professor, Department of History
University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403



Ph.D. University of Minnesota, 1996.
M.A. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 1990.
B.A. Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal (Lima, Peru), 1986.

Current affiliation

Professor, Department of History, University of Oregon

Other Professional Positions

2024 Visiting Professor, Program in Latin American Studies, Princeton University
2004-2014 Director, Latin American Studies Program, University of Oregon
2000 Visiting Professor, Departamento de Humanidades, Universidad de Puerto Rico (Río Piedras)
1999 Visiting Professor, Graduate School, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Lima)
1996-2002 Assistant Professor, Department of History, University of Oregon.
1994-95 Mentor, MacArthur Summer Honors Program in International Studies.
1993-95 Instructor, Department of History, University of Minnesota.
1991-93 Teaching Assistant, Department of History, University of Minnesota.
1990-91 Research Assistant, Department of History, University of Minnesota.
1987-89 Researcher, Instituto Pasado & Presente (Lima) and Editor of the journal Pasado & Presente.

Fellowships, Grants, and Awards

2024 Outstanding Career Award, Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation, University of Oregon
2024 Faculty Research Grant, Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation, University of Oregon
2024 Visiting Research Fellow, Program in Latin American Studies, Princeton University
2023 College of Arts and Sciences, University of Oregon, Summer Grant for Humanities and Creative Arts Faculty
2020 Presidential Fellowship in Humanistic Studies, University of Oregon
2019 University of Oregon Faculty Excellence Award
2017 Friends of the Princeton University Library Research Grant
2017 Brush Fellowship (Department of History, University of Oregon)
2014 University of Oregon RIGE IDEA award for a project on “Libraries of the Americas: Power, Cultural Capital, and the Circulation of Knowledge, 1800-2000”
2012 Two-year UISFL Grant, US Department of Education, “Enhancing Latin American Studies at the University of Oregon” (Co-PI with Prof. Lynn Stephen)

2008 Outstanding Faculty Award, Office of Multicultural Academic Support, University of Oregon
2007 University of Oregon Faculty Excellence Award
2007 Bibliographical Society of America Research Fellowship
2006 Brush Fellowship (Department of History, University of Oregon)
2004 University of Oregon Summer Research Award
2003 University of Oregon Williams Council Undergraduate Teaching Fellowship
           (with Professor Jesús Díaz-Caballero)
2002 University of Oregon Ersted Award for Distinguished Teaching
2002 Wayne Morse Center Vision Grant
2001 Littleton-Griswold Research Grant (American Historical Association)
2001 University of Oregon Humanities Center Teaching Fellowship
1999 John Simon Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship
1999 Endeavor Faculty Fellowship, Department of History, University of Oregon
1997 American Philosophical Society Research Grant
1997 University of Oregon Junior Professorship Grant
1997 University of Oregon New Faculty Award
1995-96 University of Minnesota Graduate School Dissertation Fellowship
1994-95 Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Dissertation Grant
1992 MacArthur Pre-dissertation Research Grant
1990-94 Fellow, MacArthur Interdisciplinary Program at the University of Minnesota.
1986-88 Research Grant, Peruvian Council of Science and Technology (CONCYTEC).


a) Books

2024 (with Kristina Buynova), Cinco días en Moscú. Mario Vargas Llosa y el socialismo soviético (1968) (Lima: Reino de Almagro).

[Reviewed in NACLA, Correo, La Industria, La República, Escritura y Pensamiento, El Comercio, Jacobin, Letras, London Review of Books]

2022 Breve historia de la esclavitud. Una herida que no deja de sangrar, 2nd edition (Lima: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Jurado Nacional de Elecciones).

[Interview, Libros a mí] [Interview, El arriero]

2020 (with Charles Walker), Alberto Flores Galindo. Utopía, historia y revolución (Lima: La Siniestra ensayos).

[Reviewed in Histórica, Hispanic American Historial Review, The Americas, Archivos, Prismas, Políticas de la memoria, El Peruano, La Corriente, El Comercio, El ejercicio del pensar; Historia y Región, Interview with Perú21]

2019 Donde se amansan los guapos: las cárceles de Lima, 1850-1935 (Lima: Universidad del Pacífico).

         [Reviewed in Ideele, Histórica, Riqch’ariy, ISHRA, Passagens]

2017 La ciudad y los perros. Biografía de una novela, 2nd edition (Sevilla: Renacimiento).

[Reviewed by Xavi Ayén in La Vanguardia (Barcelona); by Luis Antonio de Villena; Revista de Libros]

2015 La ciudad y los perros. Biografía de una novela (Lima: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú).

[Reviewed in Contemporánea, Apuntes, Histórica, Perú21, Exitosa, Review by Alejandro Susti, Interview with PuntoEdu, Interview by Luis Rodríguez Pastor, Interview with El Comercio, Interview with Javier Torres for “El Arriero”]

2008 Dénle duro que no siente. Poder y transgresión en el Perú republicano (Lima: Fondo Editorial del Pedagógico San Marcos).

[Reviewed in The Americas, Hispanic American Historical Review, Journal of Latin American Studies, Caravelle, Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, Libros & Artes, Revista de Historia Iberoamericana, Tiempo Histórico]

2005a The Criminals of Lima and their Worlds: The Prison Experience (1850-1935) (Durham: Duke University Press).

[Reviewed in The Americas; Journal of Latin American Studies ; American Historical Review; The Latin Americanist, Punishment and Society, Radical History Review; International Criminal Justice Review , Journal of Social History, Hispanic American Historical Review, Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, Bulletin of Latin American Research]

2005b Breve historia de la esclavitud en el Perú. Una herida que no deja de sangrar (Lima: Fondo Editorial  del Congreso del Perú)

[Reviewed in Hispanic American Historical Review; Revista Andina; Caravelle-Cahiers du Monde Hispanique et Luso-Bresilien, Investigaciones Sociales, Ethnohistory, Histórica]

1993 Agentes de su propia libertad. Los esclavos de Lima y la desintegración de la esclavitud, 1821-1854 (Agents of their own freedom. The Slaves of Lima and the desintegration of slavery, 1821-1854). Lima: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.

[Reviewed in Histórica, Revista Andina, Hispanic American Historical Review, American Historical Review, Journal of Latin American Studies, Colonial Latin American Review]

b) Edited volumes

2023 Las cartas del Boom, by Julio Cortázar, Carlos Fuentes, Gabriel García Márquez, and Mario Vargas Llosa (Barcelona: Alfaguara), coedited with Gerald Martin, Javier Munguía and Augusto Wong Campos.

[This volume has been reviewed in more than 100 newspapers, supplements, and magazines in Spain, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Chile, and other countries. The entire list could be accessed at]

2021 Alberto Flores Galindo, La agonía de Mariátegui, edited and with an introduction by Carlos Aguirre (Lima and Havana: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú and Casa de las Américas).

2019 Carlos Aguirre and Charles Walker, eds. Bandoleros, abigeos y montoneros. Criminalidad y violencia, siglos XVIII-XX, 2nd edition (Lima: La Siniestra Ensayos).

2018 Carlos Aguirre and Paulo Drinot, eds. La revolución peculiar. Repensando el gobierno militar de Velasco (Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos).

2018 Carlos Aguirre and Ricardo D. Salvatore, eds. Bibliotecas y cultura letrada en América Latina. Siglos XIX y XX (Lima: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú).

[Reviewed in Orbis Tertius, Historia y espacio]

2017 Carlos Aguirre and Paulo Drinot, eds. The Peculiar Revolution: Rethinking the Peruvian Experiment Under Military Rule (Austin: University of Texas Press).

[Reviewed in European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Hispanic American Historical Review, English Historical Review, Radical Americas, Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, Bulletin of Latin American Research, Middle Atlantic Review of Latin American Studies, The Americas]

2017 Carlos Aguirre and Charles Walker, eds. The Lima Reader: History, Culture, Politics (Durham: Duke University Press).

[Reviewed in Latin American Research Review, Journal of Global South Studies, Bulletin of Latin American Research, The Latin Americanist]

2015 Carlos Aguirre and Javier Villa-Flores, eds. From the Ashes of History. Loss and Recovery of Archives and Libraries in Modern Latin America (Raleigh: Editorial A Contracorriente).

[Reviewed in A Contracorriente, Journal of Latin American Studies, The Americas]

2013a Carlos Aguirre and Aldo Panfichi, eds. Lima siglo XX. Cultura, socialización y cambio (Lima: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú).

2013b Carlos Aguirre, ed. Militantes, intelectuales y revolucionarios. Ensayos sobre marxismo e izquierda en América Latina (Raleigh: Editorial A Contracorriente, 2013).

[Reviewed in Hispanic American Historical Review, Revista Andina]

2010 Carlos Aguirre, Charles F. Walter, and Willie Hiatt, editors and translators, In Search of an Inca. Identity and Utopia in the Andes, by Alberto Flores Galindo (New York: Cambridge University Press, 21010). [Editors Introduction, “Alberto Flores Galindo: Historian and Public Intellectual”]

[Reviewed in The Americas, Ethnohistory, Hispanic American Historical Review, American Historical Review, Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, Latin American Research Review, American Journal of Sociology, Histoire Sociale/Social History]

2008 Carlos Aguirre and Carmen McEvoy, eds. Intelectuales y poder. Ensayos en torno a la república de las letras en el Perú e hispanoamérica (ss. XVI-XX) (Lima: Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos – Instituto Riva Agüero).

[Reviewed in The Americas, Mercurio Peruano, Hispanic American Historical Review, Journal of Latin American Studies, Libros & Artes]

2001 Ricardo Salvatore, Carlos Aguirre, and Gilbert Joseph, eds. Crime and Punishment in Latin America. Law and Society Since Late Colonial Times (Durham: Duke University Press).

[Reviewed in Journal of Latin American Studies, American Historical Review, Hispanic American Historical Review, The Americas, Journal of Social History, Punishment and Society, Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe]

2000 Carlos Aguirre and Robert Buffington, eds.  Reconstructing Criminality in Latin America (Wilmington: Scholarly Resources).

[Reviewed in Journal of Latin American Studies, Hispanic American Historical Review, Quinto Sol, H-Net, Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos, Bulletin of Latin American Research, Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe]

1996 Ricardo Salvatore and Carlos Aguirre, eds. The Birth of the Penitentiary in Latin America, 1830-1940 (Austin: University of Texas Press).

[Reviewed in Hispanic American Historical Review, Journal of Latin American Studies, Boletín del Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana Dr. Emilio Ravignani, International Criminal Justice Review, Law and History Review, Crime, Histoire et Sociétés]

1990 Carlos Aguirre and Charles Walker, eds. Bandoleros, abigeos y montoneros. Criminalidad y violencia en el Perú, siglos XVIII-XX (Lima: Instituto de Apoyo Agrario/Instituto Pasado & Presente).

[Reviewed in Hispanic American Historical Review, Ethnohistory, Revista Andina, The Americas, Histórica, IAHCCJ Bulletin, Bulletin of Latin American Research]

c) Book chapters

2024 “Making Books at the Penitentiary: César Vallejo’s Trilce,” in Rhae Lynn Barnes and Glenda Goodman, eds., American Contact. Intercultural Encounters and the History of the Book (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press).

2023 “Vigilar e imprimir: Vallejo, Trilce y los talleres tipográficos de la penitenciaría de Lima” (with Bill Fisher), in Miguel Ángel Zapata, ed., Trilce (Mexico: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Querétaro and Ediciones El Tucán de Virginia).

2018 “Los intelectuales de izquierda y la revolución latinoamericana: sueños y pesadillas (1959-1990),” in Maximiliano Fuentes Codera and Ferran Archilés, eds. Ideas comprometidas. Los intelectuales y la política (Madrid: Akal).

2018 “Los intelectuales y sus bibliotecas en el Perú del siglo XX,” in Carlos Aguirre and Ricardo D. Salvatore, eds. Bibliotecas y cultura letrada en América Latina. Siglos XIX y XX (Lima: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú).

2018 “¿La segunda liberación? El nacionalismo militar y la conmemoración del sesquicentenario de la independencia peruana,” in Carlos Aguirre y Paulo Drinot, eds. La revolución peculiar. Repensando el gobierno militar de Velasco (Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos).

2017 “¿Colonias de población o lugares de destierro y tormento? Colonias penales en América Latina, c. 1800-1940” (with Ricardo Salvatore) (Spanish translation of “Colonies of settlement or places of banishment and torment? Penal colonies and convict labour in Latin America, c. 1800-1940”), in Lila Caimari and Máximo Souzo eds., Historia de la cuestión criminal en América Latina (Rosario: Prohistoria, 2017).

2017 “The Second Liberation? Military Nationalism and the Sesquicentennial Commemoration of Peruvian Independence, 1821–1971,” in Carlos Aguirre and Paulo Drinot, eds. The Peculiar Revolution: Rethinking the Peruvian Experiment Under Military Rule (Austin: University of Texas Press).

2015 “Apogeo, crisis y transformación del panóptico iberoamericano: Apuntes para la historia de un modelo arquitectónico,” in Jorge A. Trujillo Bretón, ed. Voces y memorias del olvido. Historia, marginalidad y delito en América Latina (Guadalajara: Universidad de Guadalajara).

2015 “La cárcel y la ciudad letrada: hacia una historia cultural de la prisión en el Perú del siglo veinte,” in Daniel Palma, ed. Delincuentes, policías y justicias. América Latina, siglos XIX y XX (Santiago de Chile: Universidad Alberto Hurtado).

2015 “Colonies of settlement or places of banishment and torment? Penal colonies and convict labour in Latin America, c. 1800-1940” (written with Ricardo Salvatore), in Christian G. De Vito and Alex Lichtenstein, eds. Global Convict Labour (Leiden: Brill).

2015 “A Cultural Tragedy: The Destruction and Reconstruction of the Peruvian National Library, 1943-1948,” in Carlos Aguirre and Javier Villa-Flores, eds. From the Ashes of History. Loss and Recovery of Archives and Libraries in Modern Latin America (Raleigh: Editorial A Contracorriente).

2013 “Perú campeón: fiebre futbolística y nacionalismo en 1970”, in Carlos Aguirre and Aldo Panfichi, eds. Lima siglo XX. Cultura, socialización y cambio (Lima: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2013), pp. 383-416.

2013 “Punishment and Extermination: The Massacre of Political Prisoners in Lima, Peru, June 1986,” in Eric A. Johnson, Ricardo Salvatore, and Pieter Spierenburg (eds.), Murder and Violence in Modern Latin America (London: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013), pp. 193-216.

2012 “Tinterillos, Indians, and the State: Towards a History of Legal Intermediaries in Post-Independence Peru,” in Stefan B. Kirmse, ed., One Law for All? Western models and Local Practices in (Post-) Imperial Contexts (Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, 2012), pp. 119-151.

2009 “Cárcel y sociedad en América Latina: 1800-1940," in Eduardo Kingman Garcés, ed. Historia social urbana. Espacios y flujos (Quito: FLACSO).

2008a “El pensamiento entre rejas: intelectuales peruanos y la experiencia de la prisión,” in Carlos Aguirre and Carmen McEvoy, eds. Intelectuales y poder. Ensayos en torno a la república de las letras en el Perú e hispanoamérica (ss. XVI-XX) (Lima: Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos – Instituto Riva Agüero), pp. 413-456.

2008b “Los usos del fútbol en las prisiones de Lima (1900-1940)”, en Aldo Panfichi, ed. Ese gol existe. Una mirada al Perú a través del fútbol (Lima: Fondo Editorial de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú).

2007 “Prisons and Prisoners in Modernising Latin America, 1800-1940,” in Frank Dikötter and Ian Brown, eds. Cultures of Confinement. A History of the Prison in Africa, Asia, and Latin America (Ithaca: Cornell University Press and London: Hurst).

2005 “Two Worlds Apart? Labour and Crime in Latin American History,” in Workers in the Informal Sector. Studies in Labour history 1800-2000, edited by Sabyasachi Bhattacharya and Jan Lucassen (New Delhi: SEPHIS/Macmillan).

2004 “’Los irrecusables datos de la estadística del crimen’: La construcción social del delito en la Lima de mediados del siglo XIX," in Carmen McEvoy, ed. La experiencia burguesa en el Perú (1840-1940) (Madrid/Frankfurt: Iberoamericana/Vervuert), pp. 309-330.

(A sligthly different version of this article was also published in Paula Alonso, ed. Construcciones impresas. Panfletos, diarios y revistas en la formación de los Estados nacionales en América Latina, 1820-1920 (Buenos Aires: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2004).

2003 “Mujeres delincuentes, prácticas penales, y servidumbre doméstica en Lima, 1862-1930,” in Scarlett O’Phelan, et. al. comps. Familia y Vida Cotidiana en América Latina, Siglos XVIII-XX (Lima: IFEA/Instituto Riva Agüero/Pontificia Universidad Católica).

2001 "Disputed Views of Incarceration in Lima, 1890-1930: The Prisoners' Agenda for Prison Reform," in Salvatore, Aguirre, and Joseph, eds. Crime and Punishment in Latin America.

2000 "La población de origen africano en el Perú: de la esclavitud a la libertad," in Carlos Aguirre, et. al.
Lo africano en la cultura criolla (Lima: Fondo Editorial del Congreso del Perú).

1999 "Working the System: Black Slaves and the Courts in Lima, Peru, 1821-1854," In Darlene Clark Hine and Jacqueline A. McLeod, eds. Crossing Boundaries. Comparative History of Black People in Diaspora (Bloomington: Indiana University Press).

1996a "The Lima Penitentiary and the Modernization of Criminal Justice in Nineteenth-Century Peru," in Salvatore and Aguirre, eds. The Birth of the Penitentiary in Latin America.

1996b "Patrones, esclavos y sirvientes domésticos en Lima (1800-1860)," in Pilar Gonzalbo and Cecilia Rabell, eds. Familia y Vida Privada en la Historia de Iberoamerica
(Mexico City: El Colegio de México).

1995 "La Penitenciaría de Lima y la modernización de la justicia penal en el Perú del siglo XIX," in Felipe Portocarrero and Aldo Panfichi, eds. Mundos Interiores: Lima, 1870-1950 (Lima: Universidad del Pacífico). [Click here to read chapter]

1990 "Cimarronaje, bandolerismo, y desintegración esclavista.
Lima, 1821-1854," in Aguirre and Walker, eds. Bandoleros, abigeos y montoneros. [Click here to read chapter]

d) Articles

2024, “¿El premio más revolucionario? Las venas abiertas de América Latina y el Premio Casa de las Américas de 1971,” Prismas. Revista de Historia Intelectual, 28, 2024, pp. 157-168.

2022, “Apuntes sobre la «guerrillerización» de la cultura: Las venas abiertas de América Latina, el Premio Casa de las Américas y los debates sobre los intelectuales y la revolución,” Histórica, vol. 46, No. 1.

2022, “’Asalto a mano desarmada’: las ediciones cubanas del boom,” Calle del Aire (Seville), No. 3, june, pp. 127-144.

2019 “Mario Benedetti y el internacionalismo literario: Casa de las Américas, el Centro de Investigaciones Literarias y la serie Valoración Múltiple (1967-1976)” (with Augusto Wong Campos), Revista de la Biblioteca Nacional de Uruguay, 16, 2019, pp. 81-111.

2019, “Alberto Flores Galindo: entre la utopía andina y la utopía socialista”(with Charles Walker), A Contracorriente, 16, 2, Winter 2019, pp. 176-192.

2017 “Revisitando El nacimiento de la penitenciaría en América Latina veinte años después” (with Ricardo Salvatore), Revista de Historia de las Prisiones, No. 4, 2017, pp. 7-42.

2017 “‘Vamos a quitarle el frac al libro, vamos a ponerlo en mangas de camisa’. El proyecto editorial Populibros peruanos (1963-1965)”, Políticas de la memoria, No. 17, verano 2017/2017, pp. 204-222.

2016 “Una tragedia cultural: el incendio de la Biblioteca Nacional del Perú,” Revista de la Biblioteca Nacional: La Biblioteca, No. 11-12, 2016, 107-139.

2014 “Hombres y rejas. El APRA en prisión, 1932-1945,” Boletín del Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos, 43, 1, pp. 7-30.

2013 “Nicomedes Santa Cruz: la formación de un intelectual público afroperuano,” Histórica, XXVII, 2.

2011 “Terruco de m… Insulto y estigma en la guerra sucia peruana,” Histórica (Lima), XXXV, 1 (2011), pp. 103-139.

2009 “¿De quién son estas memorias? El archivo de la Comisión de la Verdad y Reconciliación del Perú,” Jahrbuch für Geschichte Lateinamerikas (Köln, Germany), Vol. 46, pp. 135-165.

2007 “Cultura política de izquierda y cultura impresa en el Perú contemporáneo (1968-1990): Alberto Flores Galindo y la formación de un intelectual público,” Historica (Lima), XXXI, 1, pp. 171-205.

2005 "Silencios y ecos. La historia y el legado de la abolición de la esclavitud en Haití y Perú," A Contracorriente, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2005, pp. 1-37.

2002 “La historia social del Perú republicano (1821-1930),” Histórica (Lima), XXVI, 1-2, pp. 445-501.

2000 "Delito, raza y cultura: el desarrollo de la criminología en el Perú (1890-1930)," in Diálogos en Historia (Lima), 2, 2000, pp. 179-206. [Spanish translation of Aguirre 1998].

1998 "Race, Crime, and Morals: The Development of Criminology in Peru, 1890-1930," in Crime, History and Societies 2, 2 (Fall).

1992 "Agentes de su propia emancipación. Manumisión de esclavos en Lima, 1821-1854," América Negra (Bogotá), Vol. 2, No. 2, december. [Also published in Apuntes (Lima, Universidad del Pacífico, No. 21, 1992].

1989 "Resistencia y rebelión: un comentario,"
Pasado y Presente (Lima), No. 2/3.

1988 "Violencia, castigo y control social: esclavos y panaderías en Lima, siglo XIX," Pasado y Presente (Lima), 1. [Reprinted in Augusto Ruiz, ed. Lima. Nuevos estudios de historia y arqueología (Lima: Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, 1998).

1987 "Paternalismo y rebelión en la hacienda esclavista del siglo XIX," Kuntur (Lima), 6.

Other publications

2021 “Para una nueva historia de las bibliotecas en América Latina. Diálogo entre Carlos Aguirre y Alejandro E. Parada”, Políticas de la memoria, 21, pp. 107-117.

2019 “La novela del guardaespaldas”, en Mario Vargas Llosa, Conversación en La Catedral, edición conmemorativa del 50 aniversario (Barcelona: Alfaguara).

2013 “Entre la censura y el fuego. La ciudad y los perros,” Libros & Artes, 60-61, April 2013.

2011 “La experiencia de la prisión,” Libros & Artes, 46-47, April 2011, Special Issue onThe Fiction of José María Arguedas.”

2009 “Entrevista a Carlos Aguirre,” Urvio. Revista Latinoamericana de Seguridad Ciudadana, Quito, No. 7, May 2009, pp. 137-142.

2009 “Archivos, Poder e Historia en América Latina,” Special Issue of Jahrbuch für Geschichte Lateinamerikas (Köln, Germany), Vol. 46, edited by Carlos Aguirre and Javier Villa-Flores.

2009 “Hegemonía,” in Diccionario de Estudios Culturales Latinoamericanos, ed. by Mónica Szurmuk and Robert McKee Irwin (Mexico City: Siglo XXI Editores).

2008 “Marxismo e Izquierda en la Historia de América Latina” (Carlos Aguirre, Guest editor), A Contracorriente. A Journal on Social History and Literature in Latin America, Vol. 5, No. 2, Winter 2008.

2008 “Prisons and Punishment: Prison Colonies and Islands” and “Prisons and Punishment: Latin America,” entries for The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World, Peter Stearns, ed. (Oxford University Press, 2008).

2007 Carlos Aguirre and Pedro Guibovich, eds. “Libro, lectura y cultura impresa en el Perú siglos XVII-XX,” Histórica (Lima), XXXI, 1. [Click here to read the presentation to this dossier].

2007 “Hobsbawm encara el tercer milenio,” Primera Revista Latinoamericana de Libros, No. 2, December 2007.

2005a “Aristocracia y plebe,” Libros & Artes (Lima), No. 11.

2005b “Hacia una historia del discurso racista en el Perú” (Prologue to Marcel Velázquez, Las máscaras de la representación. El sujeto esclavista y las rutas del racismo en el Perú, 1775-1895, Lima, UNMSM, 2005). Reproduced in Ciberayllu, January 9, 2006 (

2004 “Duelo de caballeros. Lima a comienzos del siglo XX,” Libros & Artes (Lima), No. 9.

Lectures, Presentations, and Papers at Conferences


“Diálogo con Roger Chartier,” Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos, Lima, October 25, 2024.

Discussant, “La cultura escrita en la época de la reproductibilidad digital,” lecture by Roger Chartier, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, October 23, 2024.

“Hell Has No Limits. José Donoso, 100 Years, a Laboratory of Writing,” round table with Cecilia García-Huidobro and Javier Guerrero, Princeton University, April 30, 2024.

“A Long Night with Fidel Castro: Intellectuals Discuss the Cuban Revolution,” Program in Latin American Studies, Princeton University, March 5, 2024.

“The Inner History of the Latin American Boom: Literature, Politics, and Friendship,” Johns Hopkins University, Program in Latin American, Caribbean, and Latinx Studies, February 27, 2024.

“Las cartas del Boom,” Oakeside Bloomfield Cultural Center (Bloomfield, New Jersey), February 9, 2024.


“Las cartas del Boom,” panel with Juan Cruz, Librería Iberoamericana, Madrid (October 26).

“Las cartas del Boom,” lecture delivered at the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Institutos  de Historia y Literatura, Madrid (October 26).

“El taller del historiador,” panel, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Escuela de Posgrado (September 11).

“Las cartas del Boom,” book presentation, Librería El Virrey (September 6).

“Las cartas del Boom,” roundtable, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Letras, August 31).

“Una noche con Fidel: los intelectuales y la Revolución Cubana,” paper presented at the 6th Conference on Latin American Intellectual History (São Paulo, Brazil, July 26).

“Del Boom al Bio Boom: Diálogo sobre las biografías de La ciudad y los perros y Cien años de soledad,” with Álvaro Santana-Acuña and Gustavo Guerrero (Vancouver, BC, May 26).

“’La plebeiade’: la colección Biblioteca Peruana de PEISA y el ‘auspicio’ del Gobierno Revolucionario de las Fuerzas Armadas,” paper presented at the Latin American Studies Association Congress (Vancouver, BC, May 25).

“Mariátegui y la modernidad global: presentación de dos antologías de José Carlos Mariátegui,” with Martín Bergel, Latin American Studies Association Congress (Vancouver, BC, May 25).


“Las cartas que nunca llegaron: voces y silencios en los archivos carcelarios,” round table on “Sin archivos no hay historia,” Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, November 17, 2022.

“Vigilar e imprimir: Vallejo, Trilce y los talleres tipográficos de la penitenciaría de Lima”(with Bill Fisher), Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Seminario: 100 años de Trilce de César Vallejo, October 26, 2022.

“Una aproximación a los estudios sobre el libro y la edición. Conceptos claves y diálogos con especialistas,” Universidad Nacional de San Martín (Buenos Aires), September 20, 2022 (via zoom).

“‘La plebeiade’: la colección Biblioteca Peruana de PEISA y el ‘auspicio’ del Gobierno Revolucionario de las Fuerzas Armadas,” presented at the seminar on “El Estado editor,” August 18, 2022.

“César Vallejo, Trilce y la imprenta de la penitenciaría de Lima,” lecture delivered at the Casa de la Literatura Peruana, Lima, August 10, 2022.

Open Veins of Latin America: The Cuban Revolution, Cultural Politics, and the Making of a Classic,” lecture delivered for the Andean Cultures and Histories Working Group, Northwestern University, March 11, 2022.


Las venas abiertas de 1971: a medio siglo de un año decisivo,” presented at the Colloquium onLas venas abiertas de América Latina de Eduardo Galeano. 50 años después,” June 23-25, Universidad de la República (Montevideo) (via zoom).

Intelectuales, coleccionismo de libros y bibliotecas privadas en el Perú del siglo XX,” lecture, Instituto Riva Agüero (Lima), April 29, 2021 (via zoom).

“El legado del sesquicentenario de la independencia del Perú,” round table, Cátedra Bicentenario, Proyecto Especial Bicentenario del Perú, January 20, 2021.


"De Mariátegui a Sendero Luminoso: Alberto Flores Galindo y los debates en la izquierda de los 80s," XXX Coloquio Internacional de Estudiantes de Historia, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, November 3, 2021 (via zoom).

“’No hay isla feliz’: Alberto Flores Galindo, Cuba y la utopía socialista,” Department of History Discussion Seminar, Universidad de San Andrés (Buenos Aires), September 25 (via zoom).

“Cuando el boom llegó a Casa: redes políticas y literarias cubanas y latinoamericanas en los orígenes del boom,” Inaugural Lecture, Colloquium on Intellectuals and Cultural Networks, Universidad de Valparaíso, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, and Universidad de Santiago de Chile, July 23 (via zoom)

“The History of Prisons in Peru, 1850-1935,” guest lecture, Instituto Latinoamericano de Criminología y Desarrollo Social (Lima), July 2 (via zoom)


Censorship, Politics, and the Making of a Literary Classic: The Biography of Vargas Llosa’s La ciudad y los perros,” Colloquium on Latin American and Caribbean History, University of California at Santa Barbara, October 5.

“Una vida entre libros. Intelectuales peruanos y sus bibliotecas,” Casa de la Literatura Peruana, August 28.

Repensando el 68 en América Latina: Revolución y autoritarismo en Cuba y Perú,” Universidad Nacional de San Martín (Buenos Aires), August 22.

“Cuba’s 1968,” Latin American Studies Association Congress, Round table on “1968: 50 Years After,” Barcelona, May 23-26.


“Intellectuals and the Cuban Revolution: Revisiting the Padilla Affair,” lecture at the Federico Villarreal University, Lima, August 29.

“New Perspectives on the Velasco Regime (almost) Fifty Years After the Military Coup," lecture at the Catholic University of Peru, Lima, August 24.

“The History of Prisons in Republican Peru: Contributions and Perspectives,” Lecture at the University of San Marcos, Lima, August 18.

“The 1943 Fire at the National Library: Debates and Lessons,” Lecture at the Peruvian National Library, Lima, August 8.

“Una experiencia académica interdisciplinaria en Latinoamérica. El Seminario de Historia Rural Andina, Perú 1966-2016,” Roundtable, LASA Congress, Lima, April 30.


“Archives and Human Rights: Whose Voices Do We Hear?,” presented at the Latin American Studies Association congress, New York, May 27-30, 2016.

“¿La segunda independencia? Velasquismo y la reinterpretación de la historia en la celebración del sesquicentenario de 1971,” presented at the Colloquium on “Nuevas miradas sobre el régimen militar de Velasco Alvarado,” Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos, Lima, June 14-16, 2016.

“Archives, Power, and Memory in Latin American History”, Norbert Lechner Keynote Address, Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago de Chile, August 18, 2016.

“Archivos, memoria y poder en la historia latinoamericana,” lecture delivered at the Universidad Torcuato di Tella, Buenos Aires, August 23, 2016.

“La ciudad y los perros. Biografía de una novela”, presented at the Seminar on Intellectual History, Instituto Emilio Ravignani, Universidad de Buenos Aires, August 26, 2016.


“Abolition in Spanish America: Rethinking Slave Agency,” presented at the Conference on “Antislavery Republics: The Politics of Abolition in the Spanish Atlantic,” Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition, Yale University, October 30-31, 2015.

“Michel Foucault y la historia de las prisiones en América Latina,” presented at the 3rd. Congress of Latin American and Caribbean Social Sciences (FLACSO, Quito, August 26-28, 2015).

“Archives, Memory, and Human Rights in Latin America,” presented at the symposium on “Collective Memory and Human Rights in Guatemala: Lessons from the Past and Present-Day Challenges,” Guatemala City, June 25, 2015.

“Bringing the Book to the Masses: The Experience of Populibros in Peru, 1963-1965,” presented at the LASA Congress, San Juan, Puerto Rico (May 26-30, 2015).

“Revisiting The Birth of the Penitentiary in Latin America (almost) Twenty Years Later” (with Ricardo Salvatore), presented at the Conference on “A History of Penal Regimes in Global Perspective, 1800-2014” (Harvard University, March 5-7, 2015).


“Slavery and Abolition in Nineteenth-Century Peru,” presented at the 10thColoquio de “Africanías” (Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico City, September 26, 2014).

“Intellectuals and their Libraries in Twentieth-Century Peru,” presented at the Colloquium on “Libraries of the Americas. Power, Cultural Capital, and the Circulation of Knowledge, 1800-2000” (Universidad Torcuato di Tella, Buenos Aires, August 19-20, 2014).

“Between Fiction and Reality: Soccer in the Writings of Mario Vargas Llosa,” presented at the Conference on “Soccer as the Beautiful Game: Football's Artistry, Identity and Politics” (Hofstra University, April 10-13, 2014).

“Documentaries as Vehicles of Memory,” presented at the Conference on “What is Documentary?” (University of Oregon, School of Journalism and Communication, Portland, April 24-26, 2014).


“Latin American Peasants and Revolutions in the Writings of Eric Hobsbawm,” presented at the North American Conference on British Studies (Portland, November 8-10, 2013).

“‘Hay que inducir el genocidio’: la masacre de presos de Sendero Luminoso en 1986,” Keynote address, North Carolina State University, October 17, 2013.

The Second Liberation? Military Nationalism and the Sesquicentennial Commemoration of Peruvian Independence, 1821–1971,” presented at the 127th Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association, New Orleans, January 3-6, 2013 and at the Conference on “Rethinking Military Nationalism: New Perspectives on the Revolutionary Government of the Armed Forces, Peru, 1968-1975,” University College London, October 4, 2013.

“Una tragedia cultural: el incendio de la Biblioteca Nacional del Perú en 1943,” delivered at the Conference on “La cultura del libro: aproximaciones desde la historia y el arte,” Peruvian National Library, August 22-23, 2013.

“La cárcel y la ciudad letrada: Apuntes para una historia cultural de la prisión en el Perú del siglo veinte.” Keynote address, Conference on “Crime, Police, and Justice in Latin America,” Alberto Hurtado University, Santiago de Chile, April 8-10, 2013; also delivered as a guest lecture at the Instituto Riva Agüero, Lima, September 12, 2013.


“Tortura y violencia en las cárceles peruanas: una aproximación histórica,” presented at the Seminar on “Dinámicas del espacio penitenciario en el Perú,” Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos, Lima, September 6, 2012.

“Colonies of Settlement or Places of Torment? Penal Colonies and Convict Labor in Latin America, c. 1800-1940” (with Ricardo D. Salvatore), presented at the conference on “Global Convict Labor,” International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam, June 13-14, 2012.

“‘Perú Campeón’: Fiebre futbolística y nacionalismo en 1970,” presented at the XXX International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (San Francisco, May 23-26, 2012) and at the Facultad de Letras y Ciencias Humanas, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (September 12, 2012).

Archivos, derechos humanos y la preservación de la memoria histórica,” Lecture at the Archivo Histórico de la Policía Nacional (AHPN), Guatemala, March 21, 2012.

“The Destruction and Reconstruction of the Peruvian National Library, 1943-1948,” Paper presented at the American Historical Association Convention (Chicago, January 5-8, 2012).


“The Curious History of the Latin American Panopticon, 1830-1930: Adoption, Transformation, and Collapse of a Penal and Architectural Model,” Paper presented at the International Workshop “Traveling Penologies: Towards an Entangled History of the Prison and Technologies of Punishment,” ETH Zurich, Institute of History, 2-3 December, 2011.

“Black in Latin America: Mexico and Peru,” Portland Community College, November 29, 2011.

“Printing, Reading, and Writing: Inside the Prison: Notes Towards a Cultural History of Incarceration in 19th- and 20th-Century Spanish America,” presented at the Colloquium on “Crime and Punishment in Latin America. Practices and Representations,” University of Colorado, Boulder, October 7-8, 2011.

“Libros, lectura y cárcel: Apuntes para una historia cultural de la prisión,” Lecture delivered at the Instituto de Investigaciones Humanísticas, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Lima), June 27, 2011.

“Apogeo, crisis y transformación del panóptico iberoamericano: Apuntes para la historia de un modelo arquitectónico,” Keynote Address, International Colloquium onHistory, Marginality, and Crime in Latin America,” Universidad de Guadalajara, May 17-19, 2011.

“Nicomedes Santa Cruz: The Making of a Black Public Intellectual in Twentieth-Century Peru,” presented at the Conference on “Black in Latin America” (W.E.B. Du Bois Institute, Harvard University, January 27-29, 2011).


“Insult, Stigma, and Torture in Peru’s Dirty War and Beyond,” University of Washington (Seattle), February 26, 2010 (Presented as part of the series “Dangerous Subjects: Contention, Violence, and Control in Latin America,” Simpson Center for the Humanities). A Spanish-language version of this paper was presented at CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas), Madrid, October 25, 2010. [More info here].

“(Party) Discipline and Punishment: APRA in Prison, 1932-1945,” presented at the American Historical Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, 7-10 January 2010.

“Cultural Approaches to Legal History: The Case of Prisons and Punishment in Latin America,” presented at the Workshop “One Law for All? Law and ‘Modernization’ in Comparative Global Perspective. Universal Claims, Local Implementations,” Humboldt University, Berlin, October 29-30, 2010.


“Independencia y nacionalismo en la historiografía peruana contemporánea (1970-2009),” presented at the Taller de Reflexión sobre América Latina (Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, Argentina, October 15-16, 2009).

“El boom de la memoria histórica: verdad, subjetividad y política”, Delivered at the Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal (Lima), September 8, 2009.

“De quién son estas memorias? El acervo documental de la CVR,” delivered at the Symposium onHistoria, memoria, archivos y verdad: experiencias de reconstrucción de una realidad” (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, September 1, 2009).

De la esclavitud a la libertad. Los afro-descendientes en América hispana, 1800-1900” (A lecture series offered at the Centro de Investigaciones sobre América Latina y el Caribe, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, August 19-21, 2009).

“Independencia, clases populares, e historia desde abajo,” paper presented at the Conference on “Independencia y Democracia en el Perú” (Centro de Estudios del Bicentenario and Instituto Riva-Agüero), Lima, August 12-14, 2009)

“El Apra en Prisión, 1932-1945,” paper presented at symposium on “Formación y desarrollo del Apra: entre lo nacional y lo indoamericano, 1920-1948,” 53rd. International Congress of Americanists (Mexico City, July 19-24, 2009). Also presented at the panel onMemoria, mito y política: el Apra en la historia del Perú” (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, August 26, 2009).


“Fútbol, sociedad y política en América Latina,” Casa Mariátegui (Lima, September 16 2008).

“Political Violence and Political Prisoners in Contemporary Peru,” University of Oregon and Central Oregon Community College Distinguished Lecture Series (Bend, OR, April 25, 2008).

“‘Hay que inducir al genocidio’: The Massacre of Political Prisoners in Peru, June 1986,” Presented at the Conference on “Violence and Reconciliation in Latin America. Human Rights, Memory and Democracy (University of Oregon, Jan. 31-Feb 2, 2008)


“De quién son estas memorias? El Archivo de la Comisión de la Verdad y Reconciliación del Peru,” Presented at the Latin American Studies Association Congress, Montreal, September 5-8, 2007.

“Punishment and Extermination: The Massacre of Political Prisoners in Peru, June 1986,” Presented at the Conference on “Violence and Genocide in Latin American History,” Central Michigan University, August 23-25, 2007.

“Los estudios latinoamericanos en los Estados Unidos: debates y desafíos,” Presented at the Coloquium “Cartografía(s) de América Latina: Cultura, Economía y Geopolítica del siglo XVI al XXI,” Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya, Lima, August 7-9, 2007.


“De Paz Soldán a Lay Fun: Apuntes para una historia social del castigo en el Perú,” Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal (Lima), September 14, 2006.

“Authoritarian Democracy: State and Political Prisoners in Twentieth-Century Peru,” Fernand Braudel Center, Binghamton University, May 5, 2006.

“The Latin American Prison Crisis in Historical Perspective,” delivered at the Latin American Studies Association Congress (San Juan, PR), March 15-18, 2006.


“State, Society, and the Prison in Modern Latin America,” presented at the workshop on “Cultures of Confinement” (SOAS, University of London, 23-24 June, 2005)

“Political Prisoners in Twentieth-Century Peru: From APRA to Shining Path” (UC Davis, April 18, 2005; University of Washington, April 29, 2005; Carleton College, May 27, 2005)


“Los afro-descendientes en la historia andina” (co-authored with Prof. Kris Lane, William and Mary College), presented at the Symposium “América Andina: espacio, actores, y representaciones” (Cuenca, Ecuador, July 6-10, 2004).

“1804, 1854, 2004: Silencios y ecos en la historia y el legado de la abolición de la esclavitud en Haití y Perú.” Keynote address delivered at the Coloquium on “La abolición de la esclavitud y sus procesos de manumisión en el Perú, América Latina y el Caribe” (Lima, August 17-20, 2004).

“El pensamiento entre rejas: Los intelectuales en prisión”, presented at the Colloquium “Intelectuales y Poder en la Historia del Perú” (Lima, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, December 14-16, 2004).


“Disgraced Gentlemen: Political Prisoners in Lima, 1890-1935,” presented at the LASA XXIV International Congress (Dallas, 26-29 March, 2003), Northern Illinois University (April 2003), and the Latin American History Workshop (University of Chicago, October 2003).

“Speaking for the Subaltern? The role of legal intermediaries in the shaping of legal and political cultures in nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Peru,” presented at the Workshop “Slavery, Emancipation, Claims-Making, and the Law,” University of Pittsburgh, April 25-26, 2003.

Batallas por la memoria: The Left, the Shining Path, and the Truth Commission in Peru,” presented at the Conference on “Democracy and Human Rights in Latin America” (University of Oregon, November 5-7, 2003).


"State, Political Violence, and the Debates about the Death Penalty in Peru," presented at the Conference "The Law and Politics of the Death Penalty," Wayne Morse Center for Law and Politics, University of Oregon, March 1-2, 2002.

"Los irrecusables datos de la estadística del crimen": La construcción social del delito en la Lima de mediados del siglo XIX," presented at the Conference on "Construcciones Impresas. Diarios, periódicos y revistas en la formación de los estados nacionales en América Latina y Estados Unidos," Universidad San Andrés (Buenos Aires), May, 16th-17th, 2002.

“Race, Masculinity, and the Forging of Criminal and Prison Sub-Cultures in Lima (1860-1930),” presented at the Conference “From Purity of Blood to Indigenous Social Movements: Cultural Race, Racism, and the Meanings of Mestizaje in the Andes and Central America” (University of Iowa).


"Two Worlds Apart? Labor and Crime in Latin American History," Paper presented at the workshop "The Return of the Marginal" (El Colegio de Mexico/Sephis, Mexico City, June 27-28, 2001).

"Militarismo, violencia política y democracia en el Perú contemporáneo." Department of History, University of Oviedo (Spain), December 11th, 2001.


"Tinterillos y leguleyos: Legal Intermediaries and Subaltern Subjects in Modern Peru," Paper presented at the LASA Congress, Miami, March 16-18, 2000.

"Violence, History, and Political Culture: Revisiting Alberto Flores Galindo's Work" (with Charles Walker), Presented at the LASA Congress, Miami, March 16-18, 2000.


"From Slavery to Freedom: The Peoples of African Origin in Peru," Lecture delivered at the Colloquium on "Lo africano en la cultura criolla," Congreso de la Republica, Peru, November 1999.

"From Prison to Convent: Female Prisoners in Lima, 1860-1930," Presented at the Conference on "Familia y Vida Cotidiana en Latinoamerica, siglos XVIII-XX" (Instituto Riva-Aguero, Universidad Catolica del Peru)


"Mapping Lima's Morals: The Political and Cultural Construction of the Criminal Classes in Late Nineteenth-Century Peru," paper delivered at the Latin American Studies Association Meeting (Chicago, September 24-27, 1998)

"In Search of the Reformable Deviant: Female and Juvenile Inmates at Lima's Prisons, 1880-1930," delivered at Yale University, April 30, 1998.


"Disputed Views of Incarceration in Lima, 1890-1930: The Prisoners' Agenda for Prison Reform." Paper presented at the Conference "The Contested Terrains of Law, Justice, and Repression in Latin American History," Yale University, April 24-27.


"Changing Images of Crime and Criminals in Modern Peru, 1890-1930," Conference on Latin American History, AHA Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia (January 4-7, 1996).


(with Ricardo Salvatore) "The Birth of the Penitentiary in Latin America," 18th International Congress of Historical Sciences, Montreal (August 27-September 3).

"Working the System: Black Slaves and the Courts in Lima, Peru, 1800-1854," Comparative History of Black People in Diaspora: A Symposium, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan (April 13-15)


“Introducción a los debates y problemas de la historia social norteamericana”, SUR, Casa de Estudios del Socialismo (Lima), May 18, 1994.

“Delito y modernización en Lima, 1860-1930”, SUR, Casa de Estudios del Socialismo (Lima), February 1994.


“A Tribute to Edward P. Thompson”, round table, SUR, Casa de Estudios del Socialismo (Lima), November 11-13, 1993.

"Patrones, esclavos, y sirvientes domésticos en Lima, 1800-1860," Conference on "Family and Private Life in Latin America", Mexico City, El Colegio de México and Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (May 3-5).


Roundtable, "Punishment and Social Control in Latin America," Department of History and Latin American Studies, University of Arizona, Tucson (September 10).


"The penitentiary of Lima and the modernization of criminal justice in Nineteenth-Century Peru," American Historical Association Annual Meeting, Chicago (December 26-30).

Work in Progress

Intelectuales y cultura impresa en el Perú del siglo XX
Intellectuals and Military Nationalism in Peru, 1968-1975
Latin American Intellectuals and the Cuban Revolution, 1959-1971