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Mir District Commission Report 1945

A rough translation from the original Russian document. (Please offer suggestions for improved translation)

A K T.
1945, April 25 agenda.

Mir District Commission for accounting misdeeds committed by the German Fascists in the Mir area, Baranovichi region, including:

Chairman of the Commission - Registrar of Mir RK KB (b) B,[Communist Party of Baranovich] Comrade, Skorohodkina Konstantin Kuzmich.

Members: deputy. Chairman of the Executive Committee Comrade. Dmitry Denisenko Anisimovich,
Chief PO NKGB Comrade, Konovalov, Alexander Fedorovich, Head. Rayzdrava Comrade. Anoshin Mary Matveevna, District Military Commissioner Comrade. Shelemanova MT –

Made an investigation into the atrocities committed by the German Fascists and their accomplices. Established lists in the area of those 2674 citizens of Mir District, who were killed, tortured, or burned alive (list attached). Not possible to establish a list by last name, first name and patronymic, as large numbers of people were killed in the town of Mir - 1750 people. In Turets -450 people. The main perpetrators of the destruction of innocent civilians in the town of Mir were: the German Fest, economic Commandant, Chief of the Gendarmerie of the town of Mir, and his accomplices, who in fact shot and killed by other means of peaceful citizens in the town of Mir: Simon and Seraphimovich Pankevich --- commandants of the district police, Andrew Bakunovich - translator gendarmerie and the executioner at the same time, Adolf Kulakovskii Ibrahim Miskevich, Vladimir Barashko, Ivan Stoma, Vitali Levkovich, Peter Levkovich, Peter Khinevich, Alexander Poluyan, Gursky, Ivan K. Licko, Petr Skoda, Boris Antonovich Popko - Polizei Mir police Ivan Mazurek - the assistant commandant of the police district, who is also commander of the Mir SD Belyanovich - mayor of the district council, Joseph Slinko, and Anton Demidovich - German associates and employees of Vasily Pechenko – politsiant, city of Mir, Sakovich Thomas and Tyurin - German accomplices Victor I. Stotko, Leonid I. Stotko, Mikhail Pavlovich Rudick, Vladimir Bochkovsky Jozefowicz, Lev Avdeychik and Joseph Beresnevich - German collaborators and traitors of civilians in the town of Mir. German fascist animals and their accomplices in the town of Mir killed intellectuals: teacher Anna Stashevsky, physicians Yuri Miller, Soutine Miller, and many others whose names are not attainable. In Turets, the main perpetrators, who led the killing of civilians, were: Commandant of Police Peter Galetsky and the police: Dmitry Juris Ivanovich, Ivan I. Bunchuk, Nicholas Panko Arsen'evich, Vasily Martinovich Shashko, Nikolai Andreyevich Gireyko, Rachok and Vasili Mitrofanovich and others whose last names could not be established, as well as the village Zhuhovichi: Michael Matsuka - Commandant of the Zhuhovichi police, Michael Bakhrushin, Victor Levkovich, Ivan Martinevsky, Nikolai I. Martinevsky, Ivan Vasilyevich Kondzera - Zhuhovichi police.

In addition, a gang of German supporters, led by Commandant of the Turets police Peter Galetsky, burned the village Lyadki 120 peasant households, killed and burned alive, children, women and elderly people. Burned in the village Novoe Selo were - 108 peasant households, were herded into a barn including civilians, women and children, and elderly people - 54 people, shut them in a shed at the main house and all burned alive, and burned the village Pogorelka - 180 peasant households, schools, collective farms construction, club, stockyards and killing civilians. By killing peaceful civilians in the Mir area, and especially in the city of Mir, town of Turets, Eermichi stated that the German fascist invaders and their accomplices took away all the goods: animals, food, household goods belonging to the dead, tortured and burned alive families. The best of the looted items taken by the German military commander and the police were sent to Germany. The less valuable things, cattle and other property distributed to supporters - the police, the mayor and Board members. Burned buildings, looted property, household goods, livestock products and of the 2,200 citizens of Mir District exterminated, whose names and exact number of their property is not possible to ascertain (approximately 22,250,000 rubles)..

The above-mentioned German fascist invaders and their accomplices, killing, torched, burning alive and taken to slave labor in Germany civilians, burnt and looted property not only killed people but also others who lived in the city, towns and villages where atrocities committed by German fascist animals. As a result of their predatory activity in the area burned 22 villages, and 2,240 farmers. Mir which had a population of 6,500 people before the war, now have only 1,850 people. 18 schools, seven clubs, 14 cottages, reading rooms, 3 hospitals, 4 health centers were burned down.

The German fascist invaders in their own predatory way, did not disdain from the looting of Jewish cemetery in the town of Mir, collected the monuments from the graves, turned the cemetery to ashes, cut off and took away ornamental trees.

For a mockery of Soviet girls and women, the German fascist invaders including German commandant Fest and his accomplices Simon Seraphimovich, Peter Levkovich and Mazurek Ivan Zavalny organized on Zaval’naya Street in the cityof Mir, in the house of Mary Chebotarovich a hangout where women and girls were forcibly dragged to rape, after which they were shot. Raped and then shot included the girl Abershteyn, Sonya Mirsky, Raya Mirsky, and many others.

Those who made this report to be sent in Baranavichy regional commission on the atrocities committed by the Nazis and their accomplices in the Mir area Baranovichi region:

Commission Chairman - Secretary of Mir RC CP (b) B: (Skorohodkin)
Zam. Prev. Executive Committee: (Denisenko)
Beg. MS Mirsky. NKGB: (Shopovalov)
Head. Rayzdrava: (Anoshin)
Rayvoenkom: (Shelemanov)


Examination of witnesses on April 25, 1945 The Board of Mir district accounting of atrocities committed by Nazi invaders and their accomplices in the secular area. In: Chairperson of the Commission - Registrar of Mir RC CP (b) B Comrade. Skorohodkina Konstantin Kuzmich members: Deputy Chairman of Executive Committee of People's Deputies Comrade. Dmitry Denisenko Anisimovich, Chief of the Mir PO NKGB Comrade. Konovalov, Alexander Fedorovich, Head. Rayzdrava Comrade. Anoshin Mary Matveyevna Rayvoenkoma Comrade. Shelemanova MT - Made the following survey of citizens residing in the area of Mir during the German occupation: Amelko Vladimir Yakovlevich - a resident of the city of Mir, Israel Zwick Mendelevich, Nowicki Mikhail Vladimirovich - a resident of the estate Usha, Mariana Moiseyevich Breslin, Ivan Pechenko, Nonna Sergeyevna Karpovich.

The above witnesses fully confirm all of the facts of the atrocities committed in the area of Mir by Nazis and their accomplices, recorded in the act of 25/iv - in 1945 the District Commission's accounting misdeeds. 

Signatory Witness
1. Vladimir Amelko, signature
2. Israel Zwick, Signature
3. Michael Nowicki, signature
4. Marian Breslin, signature
5. Ivan Pechanko, signature
6. Nonna Karpovich, signature 
 Who made this record the interview. Commission Chairman - Secretary of Mir RC CP (b) B: (Skorohodkin)
Zam. Prev. Executive Committee: (Denisenko)
Beg. MS Mirsky. NKGB: (Shopovalov)
Head. Rayzdrava: (Anoshin)
Rayvoenkom: (Shelemanov)


Thanks to Sasha Galver for providing the
original Russian lists, reports, documents and photos to the Mir web site.

Click for Original Russian Lists of Jewish Partisans from Mir
Original 1945 Russian Report

October 2010


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