The earliest ancestors from Mir that Julie Henner has found are Leib Ber Mazurewitz (1852-abt 1930) and his wife Rivka (1865-1941). Leib and Rivka's daughter married into the Perlman family.

The early photo above shows Rifka, wife of Leib Mazurewitz and four of their young children in Mir.

A later photo of Leib Mazurewitz and his wife Rivka with their children and other family members.
Rikva and Leib Ber Mazurewitz had five children: Alter, Jacob,, Yosef, Motl, and Yehudit. Motl was a gymnast and Yosef was in an acting troupe. Yehudit, who was born in 1900 in Mir, married a Perlman and lived in Nieswiez, Poland where she perished in 1941.
Alter and Jacob escaped to America. Alter changed is name to Harry and was Julie Henner great-grandfather. Most of Harry and Jacob's family live in the US. Yosef's children escaped from Mir to Israel where they still reside. |