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Topology/Geometry Zoom Seminar

Summer-Fall 2021, Winter-Spring 2022

Organizers: Boris Botvinnik (University of Oregon) and Catherine Searle (Wichita State University)

Schedule for Summer-Fall 2020, Winter-Spring 2021

Date Speaker Title
August 19, 2021
9 am PST
Boris Botvinnik
University of Oregon
Families of diffeomorphisms and concordances detected by trivalent graphs
(with applications to psc-metrics)
September 14, 2021,
8 am PST
Harish Seshardi
Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
Volume and diameter of positively curved Kahler manifolds
September 21, 2021,
8 am PST
Igor Belegradek
Georgia Tech
Negatively curved manifolds with no smooth spines
September 28, 2021,
8 am PST
Aleksandar Milivojevic
Max Planck Insitute for Mathematics
The space of almost complex structures on the six sphere
October 5, 2021,
10 am PST
Vitali Kapovitch
University of Toronto
Mixed curvature almost flat manifolds
October 12, 2021,
8 am PST
Michael Wiemeler
Mathematics Institute, Münster
Positive Curvature, Symmetries, and Matroids
October 19, 2021,
8 am PST
Miguel DomÍnguez Vázquez
Santiago de Compostela
Extension of submanifolds in symmetric spaces of noncompact type
October 26, 2021,
8 am PST
Simone Cecchini
University of Göttingen
Distance estimates in the spin setting and the positive mass theorem
November 2, 2021,
9 am PST
Megan Kerr
Wellesley College
Properties of Kac-Moody Nilmanifolds and Solvmanifolds
November 9, 2021,
8 am PST
Emily Proctor
Middlebury College
Approximating and Prescribing Orbifold Spectra
November 16, 2021,
8 am PST
Georg Frenck
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Characteristic classes of manifold-bundles over spheres
November 23, 2021,
8 am PST
Thanksgiving break
November 30, 2021,
8 am PST
David González Álvaro
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Some properties of biquotient vector bundles
December 7, 2021,
8 am PST
Liz Stanhope
Lewis & Clark
Using heat invariants to study the Laplace spectral geometry of orbifolds
December 14, 2021,
8 am PST
Christina Sormani
CUNY Graduate Center
Convergence and Scalar Curvature
January 4, 2022,
8 am PST
No seminar: AMS meeting
January 11, 2022,
8 am PST
Otis Chodosh
Stanford University
Classifying sufficiently connected PSC manifolds in 4 and 5 dimensions
January 18, 2022,
8 am PST
Jonathan Rosenberg
University of Maryland
Positive scalar curvature on manifolds with boundary
January 25, 2022,
8 am PST
Tracy Payne
Idaho State University
Generalized Voronoi Diagrams and Lie Sphere Geometry
February 1, 2022,
8 am PST
Jeffrey Case
Penn State
Conformally covariant polydifferential operators
February 8, 2022,
8 am PST
Jiayin Pan
Fields Institute
The escape phenomenon in open manifolds with nonnegative Ricci curvature
February 15, 2022,
8 am PST
Raquel Perales
Upper bound on the revised first Betti number and torus stability for RCD spaces
February 22, 2022,
8 am PST
Guofang Wei
UC Santa Barbara
Relative volume comparison for integral Ricci curvature and some applications.
March 1, 2022,
8 am PST
Carolyn S. Gordon
Infinitesimal Maximal Symmetry and Homogeneous Expanding Ricci Solitons
March 8, 2022,
8 am PST
Christine Escher
Oregon State University
Non-negative curvature and torus actions
March 15, 2022,
8 am PST
Jiahao Hu
Stony Brook University
Quaternionic Clifford modules, spinh manifolds and symplectic K-theory
March 22, 2022,
8 am PST
Spring break
March 29, 2022,
8 am PST
Joseph Hoisington
University of Georgia
Hypersurfaces and isoperimetric inequalities in Cartan-Hadamard manifolds
April 5, 2022,
8 am PST
Mcfeely Jackson Goodman
UC Berkeley
Area extremality and Nonnegative Curvature in Dimension 4
April 12, 2022,
8 am PST
Joseph Hoisington
University of Georgia
Energy-minimizing mappings of rank-1 symmetric spaces
April 19, 2022,
8 am PST
Misha Kapovich
UC Davis
On torsion in discrete isometry groups of negatively curved manifolds
April 26, 2022,
8 am PST
Mark Walsh
National University of Ireland Maynooth
The space of positive scalar curvature metrics on a manifold with singularities
May 3, 2022,
8 am PST
Ricardo Mendes
University of Oklahoma
A geometric take on Kostant's Convexity Theorem
May 10, 2022,
8 am PST
Georg Frenck
University of Ausburg
Spaces of positive scalar curvature metrics on totally nonspin manifolds
May 17, 2022,
8 am PST
Mark Walsh
National University of Ireland Maynooth
The space of positive scalar curvature metrics on a manifold with singularities
May 24, 2022,
8 am PST
Yi Lai
UC Berkeley
O(2)-symmetry of 3D steady gradient Ricci solitons
May 31, 2022,
8 am PST
Thomas Murphy
California State University, Fullerton
The geometry of molecular surfaces
June 7, 2022,
8 am PST

June 14, 2022,
8 am PST

June 21, 2022,
8 am PST

June 28, 2022,
8 am PST