By thinking of the six sphere S6 as the unit sphere in the imaginary octonions, one detects a real projective seven-space RP7 in the space of all almost complex structures on S6. On the other hand, using the Haefliger-Sullivan rational homotopy theoretic model for the space of sections of a fiber bundle applied to the twistor space construction, one can abstractly calculate that the rational homology of the space of almost complex structures on S6 agrees with that of RP7. Sullivan asked whether the inclusion of the octonionic RP7 into the space of all almost complex structures is a homotopy equivalence. We show that it is not, though it is a rational homology equivalence that induces an isomorphism on fundamental groups. We can further describe the homotopy fiber of this inclusion. This is joint work with Bora Ferlengez and Gustavo Granja.