Architecture Studio 281
Open Spaces

Street Spaces

Public Buildings

Parks/Large Open Spaces

Small Spaces

Parking Lots/Alleys



Small Spaces
The type of open spaces in Corvallis isn't limited to just parks or street enclosures.  While walking down the sidewalk, you are very likely to zip by a small and sudden enclosure that provides a great deal of quiet and calm.  These include spaces like cafes, restaurant, and bars.  Here students, shoppers, and business people can escape from their fast-paced world and take a moment to relax.  These spaces are so special not only because of their intimate scale, but also because they are highly variable.  They not only seperate a person from the street at a comfortable distance, but they are also the bridge between the shops and the street.

This is a section of the nook in front of this store.


Cheng Cockram Fillinger Keyes Kwok Theodoropoulos

Architecture and Allied Arts, The University of Oregon1999