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Re: starship-design: FTL

Ben Franchuk writes:
 > Steve VanDevender wrote:
 > > Let's go back to that "space is really big" concept.  It's really,
 > > really, mind-bogglingly big.  So big that even the energy from the
 > > annihilation of that much matter and antimatter, spread over that much
 > > volume, results in an average temperature of about 3 K.
 > Well when I read first about that there was no anti-matter stuff in the big
 > bang.
 > I guess both the size of space and the energy released where bigger than first 
 > thought.Ben.

You also have to remember that not only did that tremendous amount of
energy get spread over a really tremendous amount of space, but also
that all those photons are extremely red-shifted due to the very rapid
expansion of space during that phase of the Big Bang.