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Re: starship-design: Aliens

In a message dated 7/18/97 8:56:25 AM, stk@sunherald.infi.net (kyle) wrote:

>KellySt@aol.com wrote:
>> Life in a gas giant is possible, but it would have to survive drifting in
>> updrafts and stuff.  I'ld guess technology would be pretty much a no go.
>Actually, Timothy showed me that technology wouldn't be much of a
>problem (using materials in atmosphere, dead bodies broken down for
>materials, etc.) Its my guess that spacetravel (probably between planet
>and moons) would be developed early, with other tech falling below, but
>not impossible. After all, flight would have already been established.
>Spacetravel to nearby moons would provide other resources that were
>scarce in the jovian planets atmosphere.

On the contrary. Floats can't carry much. You can't work metal without a
forge or way to melt and carry the metal.  No ceramics.  Your kind of stuck
with gases and remains of other life forms or debries.  The complex heavy
materials from metals, bricks, glass, etc needed for technology, especialy
high energy technology, would be unavalible.  Worse, if you could get some,
you'ld have to drop them to keep from geting draged down.

>> The moons around gas giants don't have to be earth sized.  As a mater of
>> the two likelyest areas in our solar system for life are Titan and Europa
>>  The later having liquid water oceans, the former very complex organic
>True. I was thinking of earth-like life. The fact of the matter is, life
>is probably very diverse and of very wide variety. Does anyone have any
>ideas on Silicon, Boron, or others as possible base chemicals for life?
>Perhaps on freezing planets ammonia could replace water.
>Kyle Mcallister

How earth like do you want?  MOst of earth ecology is pretty alien by our
standards (Hint: only a tiny fraction of earth biosphere is part of our photo
synthisis based ecosphere.)  The stuff swiming in Europas oceans could be
pretty big and complex.  Could be similar to our deap ocean life.

As to exotic chemistries (silicon, boron, etc..) they don't seem to be that
active in basic chemister, or interstellar space compared to carbon bases
componds.  So they might be very rare.
