Nancy Peyron

Maradel K. Gale
 Nancy Peyron
Amanda Mieger
Dorothy Bollman
Jennifer Lewis


Nancy Peyron
Associate Director

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Phone: (541) 346-1425

Nancy Peyron joined the Micronesia & South Pacific Program in 1994. She oversees daily program activities and is responsible for marketing the program, selecting technical assistants (TAs), team teaching preparatory courses for TAs planning to work in the Pacific islands ("Experiencing Crossing Cultures" and "Pacific Islands Orientation"), making site visits to check on the status of projects with island agencies, providing mainland support for TAs working on-island, and facilitating closure interviews and the completion of final project reports.

As an instructor, Nancy particularly enjoys designing and orchestrating dynamic "learning moments" that assist people wth their professional and personal development. In 1996, she received Lane Community College's "Innovator of the Year" award for her creative community-building curricula design. Nancy's experience leading communication skill groups, her passion for clear communication between individuals and within groups, and knowledge of organizational processes and systems, all support this endeavor. She has taught community building courses at LCC and the University of Oregon, and currently team teaches "Leadership and Facilitation Methods" where graduate students learn how to lead in organizational change efforts and achieve sustainable results.

Nancy brings over 15 years of professional experience leading groups to her teaching and consulting work. She holds a graduate degree in Managing and Consulting in Human Systems from the Leadership Institute of Seattle and is a partner in Beyond Communication Associates, an organizational development and intercultural communication consulting group specializing in interactive, participant-centered training and seminars. 


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Micronesia and South Pacific Program
5244 University of Oregon
Eugene, Oregon 97403 USA
(541) 346-3815; FAX (541) 346-2040

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