New Words for a New World
Some dates of first English usage of
historically relevant modern words
found in
*1955:Oxford Universal Dictionary on Historical Principles, 3rd ed.
First use Word Type 1600 Revolution [complete overthrow of an established government by those previously subject to it]
?An early Russian example? Followed by a more widely acknowledged English exampleplt 1670 Newspaper [SAC] mxx 1726 Patriotism plt 1797 Popularize [to cause to be generally known and accepted, liked, or admired] [EG=pop-arts LOOP] mxx 1801 Liberal [SAC] plt 1810 Strike [Concerted cessation of work by a body of workers to win concessions from employers] [SAC] ekn 1824 Star [a performer of exceptional celebrity, especially attractive to the public] [SAC] mxx 1829 Policeman [named after 1828:English Police Act] [SAC] tUt 1831 Conservative [with capital "C" to designate a political party led by Sir Robert Peel ("Bobby", the inventor of modern urban police -- see above)] [SAC] plt 1831 Chauvinism [demonstrative patriotism, ridiculed by associates and later made famous in popular vaudeville (from Nicolas Chauvin of Rochefort, a veteran soldier of the Napoleonic Empire)] G/1870 below plt 1833 Vaudeville [light and amusing stage presentation] [SAC] [SAC] mxx 1833 journalism [from French] [SAC] mxx 1836 Popularize [to simplify, render in popular form] [SAC] mxx 1839 Photography mxx 1842 Turbine mfg 1845 conservative (applied generally) plt 1846 First-class [adjective meaning of or belonging to the highest and most refined category] pbl 1850 Revolutionary [a person committed to revolution] [SAC] plt 1853 Proletariat [lowest class, pejorative] [SAC] ekn 1854 Capitalism [system of society in which profit (a word used since 1604) is freely sought by private capitalists (1792), now raised to an "ism"] [SAC] ekn 1857 Selection, as in "natural selection" [process in biology which modifies a life form by ensuring that the best adapted individuals reproduce themselves] [SAC] idl 1858 Proletariat [class of wage earners with no capital (from 1848:German revolutionary period)] [SAC] ekn 1858 Imperialism [rule of emperors, or harsh rulers] plt 1867 Dynamite [nitroglycerine mixed with inert substance, invented by Alfred Nobel] [SAC] mfg 1869 Nationalize [to take national control, to take private or other property, & make it national property] plt 1870 Chauvinism [first English use, meaning exaggerated and bellicose patriotism] [SAC] plt 1881 Imperialism [advocacy of imperial interests and expansion] [SAC] plt 1884 Nationalism [devotion to one's native land, for national independence, EG=
*1885:Irish Nationalist Party | *1885:USA minister Josiah Strongplt 1884 Projector [a camera for throwing an image on screen] mxx 1896 Cinematograph mxx 1913 Movie [US] mxx 1916 TNT [Trinitrotoluene, high explosive] [SAC] mfg 1944 Genocide [SAC] plt
Table 2.
1913-1923:New words in the "Addenda" to
*1923:Springfield MA:Webster's New International Dictionary of the English
Language...., pp. lxxxi-cviii
First use Word Type airplane mlt auto... mfg anti-... plt ally mlt internal combustion mfg barrage mlt to bomb mlt congresswoman plt decade idl dollar diplomacy plt double cross plt flame thrower mlt frisk [to search a person] plt gasmask mlt jaywalker mfg joy ride mfg Jugo Slav ggr Latvian ggr Middle East ggr no man's land mlt sewage mfg activated sludge mfg audience mxx attaché case ekn bill fold ekn birth control mdx contraception mdx blurb mxx Bolshevik plt Fascism plt breadline ekn motion picture mxx cinema mxx movie mxx close-up mxx Cubism clt Dadaism clt form letter mfg gangster plt outlaw plt getaway plt heterosexuality ["morbid" sexual attraction to opposite sex] clt hunger strike ekn jazz mxx lipstick clt loudspeaker mxx lowbrow clt highbrow clt OK idl ambivalent idl Freud idl Nietzscheism idl Behaviorism idl Chemotherapy mdx electrocardiography mdx empathy idl fourth dimension idl intelligentsia plt moron idl Mothers Day pbl newsprint mxx pip-squeak [soldier's slang for sound of German bullet] mlt postwar mlt prewar mlt post operative mdx profiteer mlt SOS mlt tank mlt plywood mfg questionnaire idl self-service mfg sooner idl Soviet plt spitball [& other sport terms] clt tango [& other dance terms] clt streamline mfg Teddy bear mfg vitamin mdx wrist watch mfg panhandle [to beg] ekn Planck's quantum constant idl postimpressionism clt psychoanalysis idl pussyfoot idl quantum theory idl radio mxx relativity idl superman idl
Table 3.
1933-1955:New words in the "Addenda" [mainly from 1933 to 1955] to
*1955:Oxford Universal Dictionary on Historical Principles, 3rd ed.
First use Word Type And/or 1785 Egoism idl 1807 Egotism idl 1824 Ego idl 1839 Socialism [from 1832:French socialisme] [SAC] plt 1840 Commando mlt 1843 Cartoon [Punch] mxx 1859 Lickety-split idl 1859 Nark [from Romany nak (nose); a police spy or informer] plt 1861 Job [paid position, wage-labor employment] [SAC] ekn 1868 Typewriter mxx 1876 Brie - [took that long to get to England from France] ekn 1883 Seapower [SAC] mlt 1884 Typist [SAC] mxx 1886 Colonialism [SAC] plt 1888 Walk-out [SAC] ekn 1889 Servo-motor [simple slave motor; torpedo use] mlt 1893 Anti-Semitism [SAC] pbl 1894 Martini clt 1895 Mortician [US for undertaker] mlt 1898 War-head mlt 1899 Isolationist [pejorative term for imperialism opponents=SAC] [Later some reversal=SAC] plt 1900 Tightwad [Cf. Russian kulak] ekn 1901 Concentration Camp [Boer War] [SAC] mlt 1901 Heterosexual pbl 1902 Sexology clt 1904 Welfare policy [welfare economics, with governmental management] plt 1905 Welfare [extended in meaning to imply legislation or public policy] plt 1905 Get-rich-quick - US ekn 1905 Smog [Combination of smoke and fog] mfg 1906 Radio [first suggested as the mark of wireless telegrams according to the Radio Convention drawn up in Berlin; adopted by US Congress in 1912] mxx 1907 Racialism [antagonistic or provocative emphasis on race] clt 1911 Jinx, jynx [to put a debilitating spell upon] idl 1912 Hangover clt 1917 Deadline mxx 1919 Xenophobia [morbid dread or dislike of foreigners] clt 1921 Ambivalent [Having either or both of two contrary or parallel values, qualities, or meanings] idl 1921 Blues - US clt 1921 IQ test idl 1922 Leftwing plt 1923 Marijuana [from Amer-Spanish] clt 1923 Super ego idl 1924 ID ["identification"| Notice wide usage here in SAC] idl 1926 Beautician - US (word built from mortician or physician) clt 1928 Gimmick idl 1928 Microfilm mxx 1928 Sexy clt 1929 Penicillin mdx 1929 Tommy gun mlt 1930s Liquidate [as in Russian likvidirovat' e.g., "kulaks as a class"] [SAC] plt 1930 Whodunit mxx 1931 Servofeed; servo-mechanism [mechanical feeding of ammo at rate determined by need] mlt 1932 Nylon mfg 1935 Bazooka - US mlt 1935 Boogie-woogie clt 1939 Blitzkrieg [SAC] mlt 1939 Reportage mxx 1940 Teenage clt 1942 Napalm [NAphthenate + PALMitate, acids of aluminum salts. A jellied fuel used for incendiary bombs and flamethrowers, derived from mixture of alumnium soaps of some fatty acids] [SAC] mlt 1942 Racism [theory that fundamental characteristic of race are preserved as unchanging tradition] G/Racialism clt 1942 Radar mlt 1942 Topology [from German Topologie] idl 1943 Prefabricate mfg 1943 Total War [ID] mlt 1944 Existentialism [SAC] idl 1944 Technicolor mxx 1945 Welfare state [a polity that puts sluggards on the dole, OR a polity so organized that every member is assured due maintenance, with advantageous conditions possible for all] plt 1946 Bebop clt 1947 Cybernetics [SAC editor heard it first in 1955 from Alma Sargent] mfg 1949 Apartheid [From Afrikaans Dutch] plt 1950 Bikini [Name of one of the Marshall islands, in the Pacific ocean which was used in 1950, as the locale of an atomic bomb explosion; applied to a scanty two-piece swimming outfit for women in vogue at the time] clt 1950 Video mxx 1953 Smaze [Combination of smoke and haze] G/Smog mfg 1953 Subversive [noun meaning a subversive person] [SAC] plt