Geology of Oregon and the Pacific Northwest
Geology 308
General Information
Instructor: Marli Miller, Volcanology 214.
Phone: 346-4410. You can always leave a message.
email: millerm@darkwing
Office hours: Tues: 2-3PM W: 1-2PM--Or by appointment.
Graduate Teaching Fellow: Robin Beebee, Cascade 324.
email: rbeebee@darkwing
office hours: to be announced.
Text: Geology of Oregon. 4th ed. by Orr, Orr, and Baldwin.
NOTE!! Only a few copies of the text are
the bookstore --most of them will not arrive until the third week of
quarter. The introduction to the text is posted on this website.
for week 2 are available at the library's reserve desk.
Grades: Grades are based on written assignments, one midterm
exam, and a final exam.
They are worth the following percentage of your final grade:
Midterm exam 30% Final exam 30% Written Assignments 40%.
Exams will consist of short-answer questions, multiple choice, and 1-2 short essay questions.
Written Assignments will consist of the following four
¥Assignment 1. Write a brief (<300 words)
of the May, 1980 eruption of Mt. St. Helens. It should include events
up to the eruption, the eruption itself, and some of the effects. Due
April 13. (5%)
¥Assignment 2. Describe any depositional environment and the rock types that would form in it (<500 words). The best essays will describe a rock unit that is found in the Pacific NW. Due Tuesday, April 27. (5%)
¥Assignment 3. Summarize the Holocene (last 10 ka) seismicity in Oregon or the Pacific NW (<500 words). Make sure you tie geologic setting in with location. Due Tuesday, May 11. (10%)
¥Assignment 4. Describe any geologic feature or province of the Pacific NW (<750 words). Due Thursday, May 27. (20%)
Note: The length limit is firm--longer essays will be penalized. However, you may include as many illustrations as you deem necessary. In fact, the best essays typically contain and refer to several maps or other diagrams that illustrate the important points. All assignments should be typed. For full credit, homework must be handed in on time. I will accept late papers without a penalty only if you contact me or leave a message at least a day before it is due.
Field Trips. There will be four optional field trips for this course. More information to follow, but you will need to bring your own lunch food, warm clothing, and for the overnight trips, camping gear.