
The University of Oregon was the first organization to participate in Lane Transit District's Group Pass Program. Since 1988 when the partnership was formed, transportation on LTD buses has been free to university students, faculty and staff.

Student fees of approximately $12 per student per year cover the student part of the LTD contract. Free bussing for faculty and staff is subsidized by the Transportation and Parking Services budget. This long-term relationship between U of O and LTD has been beneficial to the university in reducing its need for parking spaces. It has benefited university users by providing a free, environmentally friendly transportation and it has benefited LTD allowing them to secure partnership funds from the university to launch creative new programs such as The Breeze.

The university and LTD created a shuttle service called The Breeze after the 1996 Transportation Systems Review indicated that a non-stop shuttle service from the U of O to the Eugene Station would reduce congestion in the campus area and make public transportation more convenient for riders. LTD estimated in 1996 before the advent of the Breeze that approximately 2000 students, faculty and staff were riding the bus each day. Today Rand Stamm, head of Transportation and Parking Services estimates the number is up to approximately 3,000 riders each day.

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