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NW Folk Dance Directory Information

We hope this guide will supplement local lists of dance events, resources, musicians, places to dance, etc. with special emphasis on international folk dance.

Let us know what you'd like to see!

Q: Why is this directory so PLAIN!? (no pictures, browser enhancements, etc.)
A: After a traumatic experience with a slow modem (remember those?), we decided on a compact format for quick access. When you have your dance shoes in your hand and need to check an address one more time before you're out the door, you'll thank us. Visuals may come later, for the textually-challenged...
Q: Who are "us," anyway?
A: "We" are anonymous and uncountable but if you'd like to help, there's room for more! Complain about events not yet covered; send info about upcoming events that seem relevant! (See [Feedback], below.) Justify this squandering of university resources with your informed presence.
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NW Folk Dance Directory: http://pages.uoregon.edu/dsimpson/fd/index.html