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Tool Usability Survey

Thanks for participating in the "Communicating Place" research project. To understand how other students can best use these tools, we want to find out how you used them. Once you have compiled the data you collected with these tools, we will ask how you were able to use the information.

We'd like copies of your rough data today, and later, a copy of the final presentation for which you used the data.

Your name:

Your e-mail (required):

Today's date:

Project completion date:

Location of files, copies of notes:

What equipment did you use?

Disto 1 + Software
Disto 2 + Software
InkLink Hardware + Software
iPAQ1 + Software + Cradle
iPAQ 2 + Software + Cradle
PocketCAD/Disto Cables
PocketCAD Software
Video Camera


In what environment were
you using it?

Landscape Site


What did you use it for?

Site visit measurements
Place recording (taking impressions of a place)


1. How do you plan to use the results?

2. Were you able to capture different information than if you weren't using these tools?

3. Have you used equipment like this before?

4. Did you have any technical difficulties with the equipment?

5. Do you have any suggestions for making the equipment or checkout procedure easier to use?