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The following are recommended as starting points for understanding the problem of representing environments.

Representation of Places

An architect's examination of how to record urban places, including sequential perspective sketches, photography, maps, modelscope simulations and computer techniques. Extensively illustrated.

Bosselman, Peter, Representation of Places, Berkeley: Univ of California Press, 1998.

Visual Notes

How to use a sketch journal to record the experiences of places. Describes drawing as a thinking process. Explains what to document and kinds of descriptive and analytical techniques. Considerations are followed by a variety of examples from designers and architects.

Crowe, Norman and Paul Laseau, Visual Notes, New York: Wiley & Sons, 1984.

Image of the City

Classic explanation of how inhabitants remember cities through districts, nodes, paths, landmarks and boundaries. Uses a clear graphic language to map parts of Boston. Describes a specific approach for surveying a city. See also "Walk Around the Block" in which longtime residents' perceptions of place are compared to those of newcomers.

Lynch, Kevin, 1960, The Image of the City, MIT Press, Cambridge.

Site Analysis

Explains the process of using diagrams to examine a place for the design process. Clarifies techniques for using graphic language. Shows how to turn analytical diagrams into design generators.

White, Edward T., 1983, Site Analysis, Tallahassee, FL: Architectural Media, Ltd.