Architecture Studio 281
natural systems


Downtown Land

Good and Bad Points



Waterfront Analysis

The City of Corvallis is situated along the western bank of the Willamette river.  The map (above), shows the relationship of the City in accordance to the river.  Unfortunately, the Willamette river's  beauty and character has been left absent to Corvallis'  downtown.  Large trees, parking lots and limited public parks reduce the City's connection with the river.

Walking through Corvallis's downtown, one would question the presence of a river nearby.  Some storefronts and markets facing the river off of 1st Street, try to take advantage of the nearby river, but fail in doing so.  The outdoor dining and sitting areas are typically on the western side of 1st street.  Those sitting in these areas are forced to grab glimpses of the flowing river through the large, dense canopies of the natural growing trees and vegetation on the bank of the river.  Thus, cutting any connection with Corvallis' downtown and Willamette river.

The fact that Downtown Corvallis was built dierectly adjacent to the Willamette river offers a unique opportunity for the existence of a rich  green space within an urban environment.  The linear nature of the riverfront could become a path for bicycles and pedestrians to move from sub-park to sub-park like nodes along a path:
Taken a step further, the urban fabric could encorporate plazas at the places where a park and street intersection meet.



Architecture and Allied Arts, The University of Oregon1999