Architecture Studio 281
Street Study


+/- Points



Good Points/Bad Points

Good Points
If one takes the length of 2nd Street from Van Buren to Washington, the most successful block seems to be the one between Monroe and MadisonAvenues.  One of the major reasons for this is the wide variety of businesses located on the 
block.  There is a theater, a bank, a restaurant ,a bar, a bakery, a hotel and a music store.  The eating and drinking establishments draw people in and invite them to linger and enjoy themselves.
Another reason people like this block is the fact that it's a very pleasant place to walk and shop.  There are many trees, and many of the buildings are on the Historic Registry.  One gets a nice, 
small town feeling when walking on this block.

Bad Points
Downtown Corvallis, with a few exceptions, is fairly deserted.  In the area around Jackson, the pedestrian activity all but disappears.  One reason could be the lack of sitting space.  There
aren't any benches, chairs, or even deep window sills.
Another reason for the lack of people in this area might have to do with the type of businesses there.  They range from a barbershop to a ballet school to a clothing store.  All of them cater more to 
running errands rather than hanging out.



Architecture and Allied Arts, The University of Oregon1999