The rise of the matching
paradigm linked infertility tightly to adoption. Because families
made socially were supposed to look like families made by blood,
taking in children born to others emerged as a solution for childless
heterosexuals seeking to approximate, emotionally and legally, the
family they could not produce themselves. Although childless couples
have probably always been interested in adoption, the practice of
giving preference to infertile couples evolved only in the twentieth
century and was most pronounced around 1950. By then, infertility
was so closely tied to adoption that applying to raise someone else’s
child was considered an admission of reproductive failure. Adoption
and “sterility,” as infertility was typically called
before the 1960s, were practically synonymous.
There were also practical reasons for the close association between
infertility and adoption. At a time when demand exceeded supply
for healthy white infants, many professionals believed that limiting
the pool of potential adopters to infertile couples was the fairest
method of allocating children. It was not unusual for agencies to
exclude from consideration couples who had or were capable of having
children of their “own,” even if they had experienced
multiple miscarriages or were suffering from “secondary”
infertility (the inability to conceive after having one child).
In the era before reproductive technologies such as in vitro
fertilization, infertility usually meant one of two things: permanent
childlessness or adoption. In addition to being a qualification
for adoptive parenthood, infertility was treated as a sensitive
barometer of marital adjustment, a predictor of parental success,
and a quality in need of interpretation. Because not being able
to have children was considered just as abnormal as giving them
away, infertility was at once a logical feature of adoption and
a source of potential problems in new families and psychopathology
in adopted children. The first major theoretical treatment of adoption,
Shared Fate (1964), made infertility
the key to understanding adoption’s social significance and
cultural context.
At midcentury, much was made of the difference between “organic”
infertility, which had a clear physiological explanation, and “psychogenic”
infertility, which did not. The first was a tragic consequence of
reproductively uncooperative bodies. The second was caused by the
mind, and that made it far more sinister. Psychogenic infertility
implied that men and women might be terrified of parenthood or hostile
to it without knowing it. Women, in particular, were suspected of
frigidity that might do serious harm to children. One of the primary
goals of home studies was to explore the psychology of infertility.
What did it mean to applicants for adoption? Had they tried hard
to overcome it? Had their pain and anger about it been resolved?
Such insistent probing surely added to the burden of grief and self-blame
already felt by many infertile couples.
The belief that adoption might cure infertility by inducing pregnancy
endured throughout the twentieth century and into the twenty-first
in spite of empirical evidence to the contrary. It has been sustained
by desperation, anecdote, and Freudian
theories that blamed infertility on resistance and speculated that
adoption could dissolve unconscious barriers to conception and pregnancy.
The fact that little or no credible evidence existed to prove this
suggests that therapeutic perspectives on adoption were—and
still are—powerful.
Special needs adoptions, African-American
adoptions, single parent
adoptions, lesbian and gay adoptions, and other adoptions that
expanded the borders of family belonging began gradually to untie
the knot between infertility and adoption. If more kinds of children
were adoptable, then more kinds of families were needed to adopt
them. Demographic patterns suggest that working-class families,
older adopters, and parents with children of their “own”
were often more tolerant of difference and more open to “making
room for one more” than childless infertile couples, who still
desired healthy, white infants.
Its close association with infertility exposes a poignant feature
of modern adoption. Adoption has been a last resort, a way to make
families only after the normal, preferred, method of biogenectic
reproduction has been tried and failed.