University of Oregon - Department of Architecture - ARCH 424/524 Cheng - Advanced Design Development Media

3 Web Design & Graphics


I. Check-in

Student Sites

II. Site tools

Methods of creating a site:

  • Download existing site

    Web site process steps (see Spalter, Ch. 11)

    1. Planning: Audience, Metaphor, Storyboarding graphics & interaction: Flowchart
    2. Creating, gathering & organizing materials
      creation of template page
    3. Structuring teamwork

    Interface goals (Spalter):

    III. Page Layout Considerations


    TABLES provide a way to structure pages into blocks of text and graphics, following traditional page layout.

    FRAMES allow a static index with a changing window.

    can cause navigation problems Furthermore, when the referenced frame page is not available, the whole set will not load with some browsers.

    Traditional principles:  balance, contrast, hierarchy

    IV. Copyright issues for images

    Fair use guidelines (from Spalter, Ch. 2):

    V. Color

    VI.  Graphic File Formats

    Graphic layout elements

    Logos, borders, backgrounds, bullets, buttons

    VII. Image Maps

    Image maps allow parts of bitmap graphics to be linked to other locations.

    VIII. Rollovers

    (Cyberobjects Elements Palette > Button Image)


    FOR TUESDAY:  Template page and site structure due

    | intro | schedule | gallery | books | home |

    edited Jan13, 2000 by nywcheng