The following email was sent to members of the UO Senate by Senate Vice President Peter Gilkey on Friday 16 April 1999

At the Senate meeting Wednesday, the Senate adopted the following motion whose wording was most kindly provided by Senate Secretary Steigelman: `

`To refer the matter of a new post tenure review policy to the Senate Executive Committee, and, keeping the current discussion in mind to report back to the members of the senate in a timely manner in order for a policy statement to be voted on during the May 12, 1999 University Senate meeting"
Persuant to that directive, the Senate Executive Committee will be meeting this Sunday. Senate President Jeff Hurwit has indicated that he will not be present for discussions of PTR by the Senate Executive Committee; consequently as Vice President of the Senate, I will chair these meetings. Persuant to a request made during the Senate debate, I have created a web page: There isn't much on it at present but that is where I will post relevant documents when available concerning Senate Executive Committee discussions on PTR. You may want to check it occasionally. I extend a personal invitation to all of you and to any other interested faculty you may know of to send me emails ( on the matter. I have already heard from some of you! I will pass along your thoughts to the Senate Executive Committee; I welcome your input.

Peter B Gilkey (Senate Vice President)

Message ends. Some related relevant web pages are: