On 14 April 1999,
the University senate passed the motion
To refer the matter of a new post tenure review policy
to the Senate Executive Committee, and, keeping the current discussion
in mind to report back to the members of the senate in a timely manner
in order for a policy statement to be voted on during the May 12, 1999
University Senate meeting.
Some relevant documents are:
Legislative History
Existing PTR policy (Retyped from hard copy
by P. Gilkey. Normative
version is a GIF file maintained by OAA.
on Post Tenure Review Spring 1998
Ad Hoc Committee proposal on Post Tenure Review Fall 1998
A Revised policy statement on Post-tenure reviews from the special
Senate Conference Committee
B Document subsequently revised by Senate President Jeff Hurwit
letters received by the Senate Executive Committee regarding PTR
For other related documents see
Master PTR index
The motion US98/99-5 on the
floor of the Senate dealing with PTR states (as amended)
RESOLUTION: The senate adopts and endorses the policy
statement on post tenure review submitted by the Senate Conference
Sunday April 18 1999. The Senate Executive Committee held
its first meeting. Senate Vice President Peter Gilkey chaired the meeting
as Senate President Jeff Hurwit has indicated he will not participate in
discussions the Senate Executive Committee will be having on PTR. The Senate
Executive Committee transmitted letters to the Senate and to Mike
Russo concerning the matter. The Executive Committee anticipates presenting
two documents to the Senate. The first will be a minimal update of the
current Post Tenure Review Regulations. The second will be a revision of
the Senate Conference Committee Document
any revision to this must have the prior approval of the Senate Conference
Committee before it is presented to the full Senate. We URGE you to read
the full
explaination of how the Executive
Committee intends to proceed; this web document contains the text of the
letters we have transmitted to the Senate and to Professor Russo.
Monday April 19 1999 Professor M. Russo (Chair of the Senate
Conference Committee) and P. Gilkey (Vice President of the UO Senate) met
to discuss how the Senate Executive Committee could exchange ideas about
potential revisions to the PTR Document from the Senate Conference Committee.
Thursday April 22 1999 The Senate Conference Committee (Professors
L. Alpert, P. Engelking, and M. Russo) met with Professors P. Gilkey and
L. Kintz of the Senate Executive Committee met further to discuss Post
Tenure Review policy.
Friday April 22 1999 Professors D. Boush, P. Gilkey, L. Kintz,
and G. Steigelman met to write a "predraft" of a "minimilist revision"
to current post tenure policy ("draftlite"). Work on this document continued
on Saturday and Sunday via email.
Sunday 25 April 1999 The
predraft of "draftlite" was posted on the web. Comments were solicited
from the Senate Conference Committee, the Senate Ad Hoc Committee and various
other faculty members across campus.
Wednesday 28 April 1999
The rough draft
of the "draftlite"
proposed PTR policy was posted
and the accompanying
transmittal letter
Wednesday 5 May 1999 It is anticipated that a final version
of "draftlite" will be available and this document will be discussed along
with a (possibly) revised version of draft-a by the Senate on Wednesday
12 May 1999.
Please contact Peter Gilkey (Vice President of the UO Senate for 1998/1999)
if you wish to convey information concerning Post Tenure Review to the
Executive Committee. Email: gilkey@darkwing.uoregon.edu
hard copy: Peter B Gilkey, Mathematics Department, University of Oregon,
Eugene Or 97403. Letters received, unless the senders indicate otherwise,
may be posted on the web to make the information they contain as widely
available as possible.
Further information will be posted on this spot when available. Please
consult the main
Senate Web page. for further information. Last change 1529 Sunday 25
April 1999

Last changed 17:28 Sunday 18 April 1999