,,,,,,,,,,, david_conley@CCMAIL.uoregon.eduDear Conference Committee members et al:
This is a belated reply to Mike Russo's email of this morning. I am running a bit late I am afraid. Mea culpa.
First of all, let me thank Mike for forwarding my email to the entire committee and to let you know the rough time frame envisigned at present. The senate executive committee (without Senate President Jeff Hurwit) is scheduled to meet this Sunday at 1300. At that time we will talk about what to do. I'll keep Mike posted and ask him to keep you posted. I'm afraid I may be generating a fair amount of email.
I have created a web site, linked from the Senate home page:
It doesn't contain much right now obviously, but it is my intent to post information about what the senate executive committee is doing as we proceed. So you can check it occasionally. I have sent emails to some folks across campus (Mike, Laura, and Paul got one) indicating my wish to communicate fully and in an open manner about things. I have gotten back a number of suggestions as to how the senate executive committee SHOULD proceed; ALL will be transmitted to the committee on Sunday. So send me emails if you want about the matter:
As Vice President of the Senate, I will chair the meetings of the Senate Executive Committee on this subject as Senate President Jeff Hurwit will not be present. I intend to act as a facilitator. Right now I am gathering information; wow did I get some strongly expressed information today. And I am delighted to have it. I solicit any comments you want to send at any time; you have all worked long and hard on the matter your viewpoints deserve serious consideration by all.
I believe passionately in the free market place of ideas and in the ideal of faculty governance. I quoted the words of President Frohnmayer to the Senate in a letter I sent yesterday (Wednesday morning) on the Senate List Serve. Let me quote them again as I believe they are still relevant:
"The questions of add/drop deadlines and of PTR have the potential to arouse strong feelings. I simply ask you to keep in mind during the debate the words of President Frohnmayer: `We are a community of scholars here, faculty, students and staff alike, and it is part of our job to take the extra moments needed to express reason over anger, calm over shrillness, wit over insult' ''Peter B Gilkey (Senate Vice President)