
Vitae, Russell J. Donnelly
of Physics, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon 97403-1274
Hamilton, Canada, April 16, 1930 ( Canadian Citizen by birth)
Naturalized US Citizen (dual with Canada, October 2000)
Wife: Marian Card Donnelly (deceased )
Son, James A. Donnelly
University, B.Sc. 1951, M.Sc. 1952 (Advisor, M.W. Johns)
Yale University, M.S. 1953, Ph.D. 1956 (Advisors, C.T. Lane, Lars Onsager)
McMaster University 1999, LLD (honoris causa)
of Chicago, Department of Physics and James Franck Institute
Instructor to Professor 1956-1965
University of Oregon, Professor of Physics, 1966-
Chairman, Department of Physics 1966-1972 and 1982-1983
Director, Cryogenic Helium Turbulence Laboratory, 1996-
Niels Bohr Institute, Univ. of Copenhagen, Denmark, Vis.Prof.1972
Senior Visiting Fellow, Science and Engineering Research Council, UK 1978
Memberships Etc:
P. Sloan Research Fellow, 1959-63
Fellow, American Physical Society
(Member, Executive Committee Division of Fluid Dynamics, 1966-73, 1980-84,
1988-Secretary-Treasurer 1966-69 , 1988-93; Vice Chairman 1970-71, 1981-82
Chairman 1971-73, 1982-83, Past Chairman 1972-73, 1983-84)
Otto Laporte Award, American Physical Society, 1974
Member, Cosmos Club, Washington, D. C. 1968-
Martin W. Johns Lectureship, McMaster University 1985
Distinguished Alumnus Award, McMaster University, 1992
C. S. Yih Lectureship, University of Michigan 1995
Ninth International Couette-Taylor Workshop, Boulder Co, August 1995,
in honor of Russell J. Donnelly
Fritz London Lectureship, Duke University, 1996
Lars Onsager Medal, University of Trondheim, Norway, 1996
Howard Vollum Award and Medal (Founder, Tektronix), Reed College, 1997
Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
Fellow, Institute of Physics, London 1998
Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences 2001
Fritz London Memorial Prize in Low Temperature Physics, 2002. Distinguished Service Award, University of Oregon, 2004
Member, National Trust for Scotland
Member, Society of Architectural Historians
Who's Who in America, 1967-,
Who's Who in the World 1991-
Board of Directors, University of Oregon Foundation, 1970-72, 1988-91.
Investment Committee 1990-91.
Board of Directors Lane County Cooperative Museum Commission 1975-87,
Chairman 1975-82.
Board of Directors Oregon Bach Festival 1975-87, Director at Large 1999-.
Board of Directors Oregon Mozart Players 1990-93.
Superfluidity”, Russell J. Donnelly, Chicago Lectures in Physics
Series, Notes compiled by W.I. Glaberson and P.E. Parks, University of
Chicago Press, Chicago (1967)
Thermodynamics, Variational Techniques and Stability”, Proceedings
of a symposium held at the University of Chicago, May 1965, eds. R.J.
Donnelly, R. Herman and I. Prigogine, The University of Chicago Press,
Chicago (1966).
Science and Technology: Contributions by Leo I. Dana”, R. J.
Donnelly and A. W. Francis, Union Carbide Corporation, Danbury, Connecticut
Reynolds Number Flows Using Liquid and Gaseous Helium”, Proceedings
of a conference held at the University of Oregon, edited by R.J. Donnelly,
Springer-Verlag, New York, 1991.
Vortices Helium II”, Russell J. Donnelly, Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge (1991).
at Ultra-High Reynolds and Rayleigh Numbers” Russell J. Donnelly,
and Katepalli R. Sreenivasan, Editors, Springer-Verlag, New York, (1998),
(A Status Report Including Papers from the International Workshop on Ultra-High
Reynolds Number Flows Using Cryogenic Helium, Brookhaven National Laboratory,
June 18-20, 1996.
Vortex Dynamics and Superfluid Turbulence” Proceedings of a
Workshop held at the Isaac Newton Mathematical institute, August 2000,
Edited by Carlo Barenghi, Russell J. Donnelly and W. F. Vinen, Springer-Verlag,
New York (2001).
Board, Physics of Fluids, 1966-68
Editorial Board, Physical Review A, 1978-84
Editorial Board, J. Physics and Chemistry Reference Data 1990-93
Associate Editor, Physical Review E 1988- 1993 (kinetic theory, fluid
dynamics, complex fluids)
Advisory Editorial Board, Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, CRC
Editor, Proceedings of the Twentieth International Conference on Low Temperature
Physics, Physica B 194-197 (1994). Editorial Board, mathematical and physical sciences side, Royal Society of London, 2004-
Motors Research Laboratories, 1958-68
E.I. Dupont De Nemours and Company, 1962-64
NASA: Member. Advisory Panel for Physics and Chemistry in Space, 1973-75;
Fluid Dynamics Discipline Working Group 1992-
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Consultant 1973-81,
Chairman Advisory Group on Space Cryogenics 1990-93
Low Temperature Science Steering Group 1993-
National Science Foundation,
Member, Advisory Panel for Physics, 1969-73; Chairman 1971-72;
Member, Condensed Matter Sciences Subcommittee, DMR, 1979-82;
ember, Materials Research Laboratories Subcommittee, DMR, 1979-82;
Chairman, Low Temperature Physics Program Oversight 1982-83
Materials Research Laboratory Oversight Committee 1983-84)
National Academy of Sciences Space Science Board Task Force on Fundamental
Physics and Chemistry in Space 1985-88
(with Herman and Prigogine) Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics, Variational
Techniques and Stability, Univ. Of Chicago 1965
Oregon Conferences on Low Temperature Physics (series of 9);
American Physical Society Division. of Fluid Dynamics November Meetings:
1976, 1987
Chairman, Sixtieth Anniversary of Taylor Vortex Flow University
of Oregon (1983).
NSF Workshop on Taylor- Couette Flow 1983.
Chairman, High Reynolds Number Flows Using Liquid and Gaseous Helium.
University of Oregon.(1991)
General Chairman, XX International Conference on Low Temperature Physics,
University of Oregon (1993).
Chairman, International Workshop on Ultra-High Reynolds Number Flows,
Brookhaven National Laboratory (1996).
Organizer (with Vinen and Barenghi) Quantized Vortex Dynamics and
Superfluid Turbulence. Workshop at the Isaac Newton Mathematical
Institute, Cambridge University (2000)..
Students of Russell J. Donnelly
A. Snyder, Douglas R. Caldwell David J. Tanner, Brian E. Springett, Klaus
W. Schwarz, William I. Glaberson, Donald M. Strayer, James S. Brooks,
Michael W. Cromar, Robert W. Walden, Carlo F. Barenghi, Gerald L. Crawford,
John M. Pfotenhauer, Charles E. Swanson, Rabi Wang, Joseph Niemela, Thomas
Walsh, David Samuels, Richard J. Wiener, Philip W. Hammer, Chris J. Swanson,
Michael Smith, Benjamin You, Gregory Bauer, Steven Stalp
