
Urban Design:
 Lecture Notes

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"Quality-oriented techniques are seldom considered to be "growth management" Porter, pg 147.


Why do we have cities?

Scale economics--exist at any level of output at which, with input prices constant, long-run average total cost is falling. Why? Proximity to materials, labor, resources, etc.

Agglomeration economies--advantages of spatial concentration resulting from scale economies, sometimes refers to individual firms, but can refer to urban areas

Comparative advantage--some regions are naturally better at producing some things than others

Are there limits to urban size?

Urban economic theory holds there are, because:

  1. Demand for products in which the area specializes--i.e., exports
  2. Limit to the natural resources that provide its comparative advantage
  3. Entire area subject to diminishing returns after a certain point--will output double if population doubles?

Types of design:

Urban Design Theory: Four traditions of urban design

Development patterns

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March 15, 2002