
Growth Management:
Course Overview

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Robert Parker (rgp@darkwing.uoregon.edu)


107 Hendricks



Office Hours:   

11-12 am Monday and Wednesday

Class Meeting:   

9:30-10:50 am, Monday and Wednesday


202 Deady Hall

I. Course Overview

A balanced approach to community development is an essential part of good comprehensive planning. Local governments have long used a variety of approaches to regulate development: comprehensive plans, subdivision and zoning ordinances, and building codes are typical tools used in most American communities. The post-war population and economic boom resulted in significant growth pressures in many communities. The implementation and refinement of growth management practices that were initiated in the 1960s and 1970s promise to be a major focus well into the next century.

This class is designed to introduce you to (1) state and local planning processes, (2) various growth management techniques, and (3) perspectives of professionals engaged in growth management and development. You will learn these various tools and techniques through class discussions, several assignments, and a community case study that will result in a final report and presentation. This class will address the following topics:

  • What is growth management?
  • The local development review process
  • Basic growth management techniques
  • State growth management programs
  • Growth management in Oregon
  • Managing community expansion: where to grow
  • Preserving community character: neotraditional design
  • Protecting environmental and natural resources: where not to grow
  • Managing development of infrastructure
  • Growth management in rural areas
  • Establishing the dialog: public participation in growth management

The class will be a combination of lectures, guest speakers, and discussion. Lectures will lead into focused discussions of concepts and readings. To supplement the lectures, I’ve lined up a series of guest speakers from various public, private, and non-profit organizations.

II. Reading Materials

1. Douglas R. Porter, Managing Growth in America’s Communities, Island Press, 1997.

2. A reading packet and other materials as assigned.

3. Information posted on the class WWW site.

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This page maintained by Bob Parker, ©2000
March 25, 2000