
Land Use Planning in Oregon:
Course Syllabus

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Instructor: Robert Parker (rgp@darkwing.uoregon.edu)
Office: 107 Hendricks
Phone: 346-3801
Office Hours: 9:00 - 10:00 am Tuesday and Thursday
Class Meeting: 12:00 - 1:20 pm Tuesday and Thursday
Room: 254 Lawrence

I. Course Overview

In 1973, Oregon passed the Oregon Land Use Act (ORS 197) which established one of the most progressive statewide planning systems in the United States. The Oregon system established many land use conventions such as urban growth boundaries, resource land conservation policies, and interagency coordination that many other states have attempted to emulate. The system has been in place for more than 25 years now, and has undergone a significant evolution during that time.

The Oregon system included the establishment of the Land Conservation and Development Commission, the statewide commission charged with establishing policy and ensuring local regulatory compliance. The Department of Land Conservation and Development was established to serve as staff to the Commission. The Act also required the development of statewide planning goals. At this time, Oregon has 19 statewide planning goals that address a variety of planning issues and provide guidance to local communities on how to plan for those issues.

This class is designed to introduce you to (1) the Oregon state and local planning processes, (2) various statutes and administrative rules that govern land use and land use planning in Oregon, and (3) perspectives of professionals engaged in land use planning. You will learn these various tools and techniques through class discussions, several assignments, and a project that will result in a final report and presentation. This class will address the following topics:

  • What is land use planning?
  • Current and long range planning
  • Land use planning in urban areas
  • Basic structure of the municipal planning process
  • Review of development applications and permits
  • Rural land use planning
  • Resource land policies
  • Coastal planning
  • Planning for natural hazards
  • Planning for development of infrastructure
  • Transportation planning
  • Housing
  • Economic development

The class will be a combination of lectures, discussions, and presentations by practicing planners. Lectures will lead into focused discussions of concepts and readings. To supplement the lectures, I’ve lined up a series of guest speakers from various public, private, and non-profit organizations.

II. Reading Materials

  1. A reading packet (available at the UO Bookstore) and other materials as assigned.
  2. Materials posted on the class WWW site.

Other Selected Readings:

The Practice of Local Government Planning, 2ne Edition, Frank So, Editor, International City Management Association, 1988.

The Regulated Landscape: Lessons on State Land Use Planning from Oregon, Gerrit Knapp and Arthur C. Nelson, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 1992.

Land Use Planning in Oregon: A No Nonsense Handbook in Plain English, Mitch Rohse, Oregon State University Press, 1987.

Planning the Oregon Way: A Twenty-Year Evaluation, Carl Abbot, Sy Adler, Deborah Howe, Oregon State University Press, 1994.

Guide to Local Planning and Development, Bureau of Governmental Research and Service, 1986.

III. Grading

Your grade will be determined based on the following:

Attendance & Participation


Assignment (4)










Late assignment policy: I strongly discourage submitting assignments late. Late assignments will receive a 20 percent penalty for each day past the due date.

IV. Class Web Page

If you're reading this, you've already found the class Web page. To supplement discussions, provide class notes and additional information, and post announcements, I have set up a Web site for the class. I expect you to use this as a resource throughout the course, since I'll be building it throughout the term you should visit at least once a week.

I also encourage all students to subscribe to the Oregon Planning Network (OPN), the mailing list of the Oregon Chapter of the American Planning Association. To subscribe, send a message to:


with the message text:

subscribe opn

You will receive a message confirming your request. Respond to it and you’re subscribed.

V. The Course Project

In early February I will assign and discuss the course project. The purpose of the project is to apply concepts covered during class to an analysis or evaluation of a component of the Oregon land use program. You can select a topic of your choice, or consult with me on other appropriate topics. Your research will result in a 15-25 page analysis of your planning or growth management issue.

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This page maintained by Bob Parker
January 08, 2002