
General Development Plans

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Characteristics of General Development Plans

General development plans are meant to be dynamic documents; that is, the plan should change as conditions in the community change.

Function of General Development Plans

  1. The plan is an expression of what a community wants. It is a statement of goals, a listing of objectives, and a vision of what might be.
  2. The plan, once prepared, serves as a guide to decision-making. It provides the means for guiding and influencing the many public and private decisions that create the future of the community.
  3. The plan in some cases may represent the fulfillment of a legal requirement. It may be a necessary obligation.

Components of a general plan (from the practice of local government planning):

  1. Demographic conditions--including existing and future population and employment
  2. Land use--including current and projected land use within the community and adjacent unincorporated areas
  3. Transportation--including existing facilities and needed facilities for various modes
  4. Community facilities--schools, parks, libraries, and other public facilities

Each component or Element usually includes:

  1. A description of existing conditions - a sound information (or factual) base is required to determine needs and methods to meet them; it establishes the context for policies and recommendations; provides a record of conditions during prep; and educates citizens and decision-makers
  2. A statement of Goals and Objectives - represent the plan’s statement of community desires; they provide direction for the plan.
  1. A description of future needs and proposals for meeting those needs - needs are derived from projections or forecasts that are exogenous to the plan, such as pop, em, trans patterns, as well as the recommendations; usually in the form of policies, programs, and projects.

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This page maintained by Bob Parker
January 08, 2002