Directory of Operator Algebraist Home Pages
This page contains a list of names of operator algebraists, with
each name linked to that person's home page. Some entries include
a one line research description. See this
directory information file
for how to have your home page listed here.
Please use
this link
to email me
if you find any link that does not work.
Lists of home pages of operator algebraists can also be found at the
following sites:
algebraists directory
at the Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, maintained by
Birant Ramazan.
This list contains a very large number of entries, including a number
of people in neighboring areas such as single operator theory.
It gives gives institutions (without links), email addresses, and
sometimes research areas.
There is a separate page for each letter of the alphabet.
Home pages of
Operator Algebraists,
maintained by Samuel G. Walters. Names (with links) only. Geographically split:
first Canada, then the U.S., then everywhere else.
Moderate length.
algebraist pages in France.
Names (with links) only; very short list.
These lists differ from mine in that they contain less information on
the people listed (except that some contain email addresses),
but that they are apparently compiled by individuals
and therefore list people who have not taken the trouble to submit
entries for my list. The first two listed are considerably longer than
my list.
Besides these lists, there is a
directory of home pages
of individual mathematicians
(in all fields),
at Pennsylvania State University.
Return to the general list of
resources for
operator algebraists.
an Huef, Astrid
(Department of Mathematics
and Computer Science,
University of Denver)
- C*-algebras and dynamical systems
Aotani, Masayasu
(Department of Mathematics,
University of California at
- C*-algebras, E_0-semigroups
Argerami, Martin
Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
University of Regina)
- Operator Algebras, Operator Inequalities
Arveson, William B.
(Department of Mathematics,
University of California,
- Operator algebras, automorphism groups, E_0-semigroups.
Badea, Catalin
(Department of Mathematics, University of Lille, France)
Baianu, Ion, PhD
NMR and NIR MicroSectroscopy Facility,
University of Illinois at Urbana)
- Quantum Groupoids and Algebroids, Operators Algebra of
Nuclear Structure and Spectroscopy, AQFT, Quantum
Automata/Logic/Lukasiewicz Toposes, Extended Quantum Symmetries
Banica, Teodor (equipe GNC,
Math. Institute of Luminy
- Marseille )
- Quantum groups and applications to operator algebras.
Beggs, Edwin James
(Department of
University College, Swansea)
- Hopf algebras, algebra homotopy theory, integrable systems.
Blackadar, Bruce
(Department of Mathematics,
University of Nevada)
- C*-algebras and K-theory, noncommutative topology.
Bratteli, Ola
Department of Mathematics,
University of Oslo)
- C*-algebras, mathematical physics.
Censor, Aviv
(Department of Mathematics,
University of California, Riverside
- Groupoid C*-algebras, Brauer Theory and C*-algebras
Cowen, Carl C.
(Department of Mathematics,
Purdue University)
Composition and Toeplitz operators, function theory, linear algebra.
David Marie-Claude
Laboratoire de Mathématique, analyse harmonique,
Université Paris-Sud 11, centre d'Orsay)
- Subfactors, quantum groupoids
Davidson, Kenneth R.
Pure Mathematics Department,
University of Waterloo)
Nonself-adjoint operator algebras, operator theory, C*-algebras.
Dixon, Peter G.
(Dept. of Pure
University of Sheffield)
- General Banach algebra theory, automatic continuity.
Donsig, Allan
(Department of Mathematics and
University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
- Non-selfadjoint operator algebras
Dritschel, Michael
of Mathematics,
University of Newcastle upon Tyne)
Operator theory on Krein spaces, model theory for families of
Dykema, Kenneth J.
(Department of Mathematics and
Computer Science,
Odense University)
- von Neumann algebras, free probability theory, C*-algebras.
Eilers, Søren
of Mathematics,
University of Copenhagen)
Evans, David E.
(School of Mathematics,
Cardiff University)
- Operator algebras, mathematical physics
Exel, Ruy
(Departamento de Matematica, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina)
C*-algebras, partial group actions, noncommutative dynamical systems
Farah, Ilijas
(Department of Mathematics
and Statistics,
York University)
- Operator algebras, Set Theory.
Frank, Michael (
Mathematical Institute,
University of Leipzig, Germany)
Feeman, Timothy G.
(Mathematical Sciences,
Villanova University)
Non-selfadjoint operator algebras, cartography
Fulman, Igor
(Dept. of Mathematics and
University of Calgary)
- Groupoids, Fell bundles; nonselfadjoint algebras;
inductive limits of C*-algebras.
Gohm, Rolf
(Institute of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Aberystwyth)
- noncommutative probability
Goodearl, Ken
(Department of Mathematics,
University of California at Santa Barbara)
Green, William L.
(School of Mathematics,
Georgia Institute of Technology)
- operator theory, operator algebras
Guido, Daniele
(Department of Mathematics,
Università di Roma Tor
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory, Singular Traces, Noncommutative
Geometry, Noncommutative Dirichlet Forms.
Harris, Lawrence A.
(Department of Mathematics,
University of Kentucky)
Banach algebras, Function theory on domains in operator spaces
Hudson, Timothy D.
(Department of Mathematics,
East Carolina University)
- Non-selfadjoint operator altebras, limit algebras
Itza-Ortiz, Benjamin A.
Centro de Investigacion en Matematicas,
Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Hidalgo)
- C*-algebras, K-theory, dynamical systems
Jorgensen, Palle E. T.
(Department of Mathematics,
The University of Iowa)
Operator algebra ideas applied to the study of wavelets, statistical
mechanics, representation theory, and quantum physics.
Kadison, Lars
(Department of Mathematics,
Chalmers/Goteborg University)
Kaneda, Masayoshi
(Department of Mathematics,
University of California, Irvine)
Katavolos, Aristides
(Department of Mathematics,
University of Athens, Greece)
Operator Theory, Operator algebras, Reflexive algebras and modules.
Katsura, Takeshi
of Mathematics,
- C*-algebras, K-theory and dynamical systems.
Kawahigashi, Yasuyuki
(Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo)
Kisil, Vladimir V.
(School of Math.,
Univ. of Leeds)
- Symmetries of op. algebras, spectral theory
Kodiyalam, Vijay (
The Institute of Mathematical Sciences)
- Planar algebras, Subfactors.
Koestler, Claus
(Department of Mathematics, University of Illinois at
Operator Algebras, Noncommutative Probability, Quantum Dynamics
Kucerovsky, Dan
noncommutative topology, geometric functional analysis, C*-algebras,
Hilbert modules
Kumjian, Alex
(Department of Mathematics,
University of Nevada)
C*-algebras, noncommutative topology and topological groupoids.
Lamoureux, Michael P.
(Department of
University of Calgary)
- C*-algebras and dynamical systems.
Lance, E. Christopher
Department of Pure Mathematics,
University of Leeds)
- operator algebras, C*-algebraic quantum groups
Li, Hanfeng
(Department of Mathematics,
SUNY at Buffalo)
Loring, Terry A.
(Department of Mathematics,
University of New Mexico)
- C*-algebras, (mod-p) K-theory, stable relations
Manuilov, Vladimir M.
(Department of Mathematics,
Moscow State University)
- C*-algebras, Hilbert modules, K-theory.
Marcoux, Laurent W.
of Mathematics,
University of Alberta)
Operator Theory, non-selfadjoint operator algebras, C*-algebras
Markov, Igor
(Department of Mathematics,
Mathieu, Martin
(Department of Pure Mathematics,
The Queen's University of Belfast)
- C*-algebras, operator theory, noncommutative topology.
Meyer, Ralf
(Mathematisches Institut, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen)
Mingo, James A.
(Department of Mathematics and
Queen's University at Kingston,
Ontario, Canada)
- C*-algebras and tilings, automorphisms of von Neumann
algebras, non-commutative probability
Mitchener, Paul D.
Department of Pure Mathematics,
University of Sheffield)
- Analytic K-theory, Coarse Geometry, Assembly Maps
Molnar, Lajos
(Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, University of Debrecen)
Moslehian, Mohammad Sal
(Ferdowsi University of Mashhad)
- Homology of Banach algebras, Hilbert C*-modules, Matrix
Nikolaev, Igor V.
(Department of Mathematics,
University of Calgary)
- C*-algebras and K-theory, noncommutative topology.
Nistor, Victor
(Department of
Penn State University)
Noncommutative geometry, operator algebras and index theory
Packer, Judith A.
(Department of Mathematics,
University of Colorado)
- C*-algebras and K-theory, the connection between operator
algebras and wavelets
Park, Efton
(Department of
Texas Christian University)
- Index theory, noncommutative geometry, operator algebras.
Paterson, Alan L. T.
Paulsen, Vern I.
(Department of Mathematics,
University of Houston)
- Operator algebras, operator theory, frames
Pestov, Vladimir
(School of Mathematical and
Computing Sciences,
Victoria University of Wellington,
New Zealand)
- Abstract analysis, including C*-algebras and operator spaces
Phillips, N. Christopher
(Department of
University of Oregon)
- C*-algebras and K-theory, noncommutative topology.
Pitts, David R.
(Department of Mathematics and
University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
- Nonselfadjoint operator algebras, operator theory.
Power, Stephen C.
(Department of Mathematics
and Statistics, Lancaster University)
- Nonselfadjoint operator algebras, limit algebras.
Quigg, John (Arizona State University)
Radin, Charles
(Department of Mathematics,
University of Texas)
- Tiling dynamics and operator algebras
Raghupathi, Mrinal
Department of Mathematics,
Vanderbilt University)
- Function Theory, Operator Theory, and Operator Algebras.
Ramazan, Birant
(Institute of Mathematics,
Romanian Academy)
- C*-algebras and deformation quantization, groupoids.
Robertson, Guyan
(School of Mathematics
and Statistics,
University of
- Analysis and geometry on groups, operator algebras and
Rosenberg, Jonathan M.
Department of Mathematics,
University of Maryland at College
- C*-algebras, K-theory, topology, geometry, Lie groups
Schmidt, Klaus
(Mathematics Institute,
University of Vienna, Austria,
Erwin Schroedinger Institute,
Vienna, Austria
- Commutative and noncommutative Ergodic Theory,
Harmonic Analysis, Probability Theory.
Schochet, Claude L.
(Department of Mathematics,
Wayne State University, Detroit)
- C*-algebras, K-theory, index theory,
algebraic and noncommutative topology.
Schweitzer, Larry B.
- Dense subalgebras of C*-aglebras
Shalit, Orr
(Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Waterloo)
Sherman, David
(Department of Mathematics,
University of Virginia)
Shlyakhtenko, Dimitri
(Department of Mathematics,
University of California,
Los Angeles)
Sieben, Nandor
(Department of Mathematics,
Northern Arizona University,)
- C*-dynamical systems, inverse semigroups, groupoids
Speicher, Roland
(Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Queen's University,
free probability theory, deformations of commutation relations
Summers, Stephen J.
Department of Mathematics, University of Florida)
Mathematical Physics, Quantum Theory, Operator Algebra Theory
Sunder, V.S.
The Institute of Mathematical Sciences)
- subfactors, planar algebras.
Taylor, Keith F.
(Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of
Tomforde, Mark
(Department of Mathematics,
University of Houston)
- C*-algebras, K-theory, dynamical systems.
Troitsky, Evgenij V.
Dept. of Mechanics and Mathematics,
Moscow State University)
Operator K and KK Theory, Hilbert C*-modules, index theory,
noncommutative differential geometry and topology, the Novikov
Vasilevski, Nikolai
(Department of Mathematics,
CINVESTAV, Mexico City)
- Toeplitz operators on the Bergman space, C*-algebras
generated by projections.
Viola, Maria Grazia
(Department of Mathematics,
Texas A&M University)
Wagner, Bruce H.
(Department of Mathematics,
Iowa State University)
- Nonselfadjoint Operator Algebras.
Walters, Samuel G.
(Department of Mathematics and
Computer Science,
University of
Northern British Columbia)
Weaver, Nik
(Department of Mathematics, Washington University in St. Louis)
Webster, Corran
(Department of Mathematics,
University of California, Los Angeles
- Operator spaces, C*-algebraic quantum groups.
Williams, Dana P.
(Department of Mathematics,
Dartmouth College)
- C*-crossed products and continuous-trace C*-algebras.
Winslow, Carl
(Dept. of Curriculum
The Danish University of Education)
- Von Neumann Algebras, Mathematics Education.
Wong, Ngai-Ching
Department of Applied Mathematics,
National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung 80424, Taiwan.)
- Operator algebras, function algebras, operator ideals,
non-commutative topology.
Yamagami, Shigeru
(Department of Mathematical Sciences, Ibaraki University)
Yang, Rongwei
(Department of Mathematics and Statistics, SUNY at Albany)
This page maintained by
N. Christopher Phillips,