Instructions for having your home page listed in the operator algebraist home page directory

To have your entry listed, simply email an appropriate segment of HTML code to N. Christopher Phillips by using this link. Read the instructions below, request from me an emailed form and instructions, or download a copy of the form and instructions (as a plain text file).

The directory of operator algebraist home pages is an HTML file, in which the entries are given as items in an unordered list. Your code should start with "<LI>", HTML code for a list item. Your name should be given family name first, comma, space, then other name(s) or initial(s), separated by spaces. The entire name should be linked to your home page by an absolute URL. In parentheses afterwards, give your department (optional) and institution; these may be optionally linked to the corresponding home pages (if they exist). You may also give a one line description of your research, as a single item in an unordered list.

Here are two example entries. The first version of each should be displayed by your browser as HTML code, while the second version of each is what the entry actually looks like. If you copy this file to help creating your own entry, be sure to work with the second version of one of the examples, and be sure to delete the outermost < UL > ... < /UL > from it.

Example 1 (a "minimal" example):

     <A HREF="">
     Phillips, N. Christopher
     (Department of Mathematics, University of Oregon)

This appears in the list as:

Example 2 (a "maximal" example):

     <A HREF="">
     Phillips, N. Christopher
     (<A HREF="">
     Department of Mathematics
     <A HREF="">
     University of Oregon
     C*-algebras and K-theory, noncommutative topology.

This appears in the list as:

Return to the directory.

This page maintained by N. Christopher Phillips, email.

Last significant change: 9 April 1997.