Intro to Experimental Psychology II
HC 212, Spring 99
Lecture: Tu, Th 11-12:20, Chapman 303; Lab: Wed 16-16:50 Chapman 307
Professor: Dr. Holly Arrow | Phone: 346-1996 |
Office: 357 Straub | Office Hours: Tues 10-11, Thurs 1-2 & by appt. |
E-mail: |
Teaching Assistant: Laura Jones | Phone: 346-4960 |
Office: 210 Straub | Office Hours: Wed 1-2, Fri 9-10 |
E-mail: |
Home page:
Class page:
Motet conference: Arrow212-S99 (access through class page link)
Overview: This course examines the individual in the social world--the development of
personality, cognitive abilities, and social relations, the regularities of social perception and social
interaction, and psychopathology. The focus is on an empirical approach to understanding human
behavior. Students work on a term project and participate in discussions in the lab, keep a weekly
electronic journal, write two short reaction papers, and complete several quizzes.
Readings: We will review
material from Chs. 1 & 2 in the required text, Westen (1996), and read
Chs. 10-18. In addition, there is a packet of readings from primary sources. Each week, one
reading from this packet (called the focus reading) is required; in most weeks, a second,
supplementary reading is also included. Please read assigned focus article and assigned chapter
from the text by class on Tuesday, the week they are assigned.
Short reaction papers:
Lecture and Discussion: Every Tuesday, I will lecture on the topics for the week, focusing on
core concepts in the text. In lab on Wednesday, Laura will lead a discussion on the focus article.
On Thursday, we'll discuss the topic together, drawing on text and focus and supplementary
readings. Students writing reaction papers for the week will help lead the discussion.
Intellectual journal: Each week you will post thoughts, reactions, and ideas sparked by the
readings and discussion on a Web-based conferencing system called Motet. The last page of the
syllabus explains how to join the Motet conference. The weeks that you are writing a reaction
paper, no journal post is required; otherwise, posts are required each week. Posts should be short,
focused, and thoughtful. Deadline for each week is Friday 1 PM. In case of technical difficulties,
hard copy journals will be accepted up until 3 PM: Hand in at Straub 131, for Arrow mailbox.
Quizzes: Four quizzes will test your understanding of concepts in the text and comprehension of
main points in the focus articles. The best 3 quiz grades will count; the worst will be dropped.
Quizzes will combine multiple choice and short answer. You can "challenge" multiple choice
questions in writing if you feel your answer is as good or better than the answer keyed as "correct."
Final project: The final project will be a poster, completed alone or with one classmate, and an
accompanying project paper (5-6 pages text, plus cover page and reference list). The project will
present material that you have read, synthesized, and integrated about a particular topic in
psychopathology or social, personality, or developmental psychology. You should read at least two
articles or chapters related to your topic beyond the assigned readings. During the last week of
class, we will have a poster session, during which all students will display your posters. You will
be discussing the project during some lab sessions, and the last lab session will be devoted to
poster assembly. The challenge of a poster is to present scholarly material in a concise, yet
understandable and engaging fashion. The accompanying short paper will go into more depth
about your topic, and copies should be made available at the poster session. These papers should
follow APA style (there will be a handout to guide you).
Distribution and grade cutoffs for class points:
Class policies
Academic Honesty: All work submitted for this course should be your own; you are encouraged,
however, to seek feedback and comments on drafts of papers from other students, from the TA,
from me. You should also feel free to consult a writing tutor if you have any difficulties with
grammar and usage. If you use work in this class for another class as well, you should clear this
with me and with your other instructor. Use of sources should be properly cited. Answers on
quizzes should be your own; copying of other students' work will be considered cheating.
Studying together for quizzes, however, is encouraged.
Students with Disabilities: I am happy to work with students who have a documented disability to
make any needed adjustments; disabilities should be verified with Hilary Gerdes, at Academic
Advising, 346-3211, TTY 346-1083. Please contact me the first week of class to discuss.
Late papers: Late reaction papers, which are graded on a 10 point scale, will lose one point for
each day late (either draft or final). If the final poster OR paper is not ready at the poster session,
the penalty will be 5 points out of 30; no posters or papers accepted after Friday noon, June 4.
Journals will not be accepted after Friday the week they are due (the topic on Motet will be
"closed" after the deadline and after that no posts will be accepted).
Reaction papers
20 Participation (lead discussion, exercises)
10 Intellectual Journal
10 Quizzes
30 Final project (poster & paper)
74-76.9 A
70-73.9 A-
67-69.9 B+
64-66.9 B
60-63.9 B-
< 70 C+