General Comments:
The purpose of this course is to investigate current models of mid-ocean
processes and to visit the Oman ophiolite in order to see first hand
a section through what
is inferred to be a paleo-spreading center. The Oman ophiolite
is perhaps
the world's best exposed section of oceanic crust and mantle.
As such, it provides
the earth scientist an opportunity to examine features at a scale and
detail that
is not possible in the marine environment. As well, the country
of Oman
itself is overwhelming in its natural beauty and cultural heritage.
To make
best use of our time in the field, the first part of the course will
designed to review what is currently known about mid-ocean ridges,
and the Oman ophiolite in particular.
The field trip will occur between February 20th and March 3rd.
Up until February 20th,
our time will be split between reviewing the geological, geophysical
and petrologic
signatures of ridges and ophiolites. The general outline of the
course is as follows:
Weeks 1-4:
Geophysical and geological aspects of ridges and the Oman
Weeks 5-7:
Petrologic aspects of ridges and the Oman ophiolite
Weeks 8-9:
Field Trip!!
Week 10:
Evaluation of Proposal Topics
Expectations and Format of the Class Meetings:
Opportunities like this do not occur very often. To a large degree,
what we get out
of this field trip is dependent on how much each of us puts into the
preparation period.
Moreover, a quick scan of GeoRef indicates that there are over 400
to the Oman Ophiolite! Hence we will have to choose which topics,
in particular,
we would like to emphasize.
The format of the course will be seminar style. During each
class meeting two
students will be responsible for presenting an overview of a particular
(nominally 30 minutes in length), followed by discussion. For
a given subject,
say "models of melt transport in the mantle", one student will present
an overview from
the ridge perspective while the other will do the same but from the
of what is known from studies of the Oman ophiolite. In this
way we can quickly
come up to speed on what is know about ridges in general and the Oman
in particular.
Week 1 (Jan. 5-9):
Week 2 (Jan 12-16):
Structure of crustal magma chambers at ridges(Brandon)
Structure of mature
oceanic crust (Andrew)
Question of the Day for 1.13.98
Models of constructing oceanic crust from crustal
magma chambers (Derek)
Melt transport in the crust (Jennifer)
Questions of the Day for 1.15.98
Week 3 (Jan 19-23):
Volcanic events at ridges (Anita)
Hydrothermal processes at fast-spreading ridges(Martin)
Tectonic setting of the Oman ophiolite (Renee)
Models of ophiolite emplacement(Mark)
Week 4 (Jan 26-30):
Discussion of upper crustal field trip sites
Discussion of lower crustal and upper mantle field trip sites
Week 5 (Feb 2-6):
Petrologic signatures of ridges and ophiolites
Week 6 (Feb 9-13):
Petrologic signatures of ridges and ophiolites
Week 7 (Feb 16-20):
Week 8 (Feb 23-27):
Field trip to the Oman ophiolite
Week 9 (March 2-6)
Field trip to the Oman ophiolite
Week 10 (March 9-13)
Pillow Basalts From the Geotimes Section: Typical Pillow
1-2 m in cross-section, many meters in length.