




C       O       N       N       E       C       T       I       O       N       S

the california polytechnic university-slo
the university of oregon
the university of utah

THEME + LOGISTICS + READINGS + TEAMS + Students: calpoly | oregon | utah | all | + FTP + CHAT



  • To examine current & developing applications for live interaction
  • To look at place-making and expression in virtual worlds

Application Sharing

Netmeeting: audio, video, whiteboard and application sharing

Netopia's TimbuktuPro Conference

Exercise: Connect with your local or remote partners and critique their parti by drawing over images in Photoshop or by editing the forms in FormZ.

Virtual Worlds

The Palace, visual chat


World's Away

Virtual Identity

VRML Humanoids


Virtual Personalities


Exercise: Examine at least two worlds or two human representations and be ready to answer the following questions: What aspects matter the most in terms of creative expression? What makes a world vital or vivid?


Online Communities Class by Amy Jo Kim

Papers on Virtual Identity by Ioannis Paniaras

SIGGRAPH98 Artsites - Juried Websites


Reading Assignment - Bermudez/Neiman & Herbert

1. Provide an example of how the serendipity that Dan Herbert advocates comes into the design process. Describe how accidental discoveries could be introduced into the digital design process.

2. What hypotheses are the Digital/Analog studio based upon? What are the advantages of mixing media vs. staying in one medium? Provide an example to support your case (it can be non-digital or digital/analog).


  THEME + LOGISTICS + READINGS + TEAMS + Students: calpoly | oregon | utah | all | + FTP + CHAT