




C       O       N       N       E       C       T       I       O       N       S

the california polytechnic university-slo
the university of oregon
the university of utah

THEME + LOGISTICS + READINGS + TEAMS + Students: calpoly | oregon | utah | all | + FTP + CHAT


Assignment 2

Partnering Brainstorm

With your partner(s) plan how you will present your Digital Dialogue and how you could make your Web Place in 3D. Use paper to track your discussion through sketches and notes.

Presentation of Assignment 1


I. Viewing & Navigation
II. Control Structures
III. 3D Primitives & Transformations
IV. Design Operations
V. FormZ-Tutorials

Questions about the Readings

1. How would a 3D representation would for construction need to be different from Groh's use of 3D modeling for schematic design?

2. Accoding to McCullough, what characterizes an expert craftsman? How does this translate to the digital realm?

  THEME + LOGISTICS + READINGS + TEAMS + Students: calpoly | oregon | utah | all | + FTP + CHAT