If you are a designer, architect or artist who loves to draw, we would like to show you the digital pen and explain the lessons we've learned. In return we'd like to collect a sample of how you draw.
We are very grateful to everyone who contributes their time and energy to this project.
Documents for Participants
Typical Invitation (Adobe Acrobat .pdf format)
Instructions and Survey Form (.pdf)
This illustrates a typical set of drawing tasks we have asked people to do. We adjust the tasks according to what we have discovered from previous trials and according to available time and sites. The instructions are followed by questions about drawing experience, favorite tools and reactions to the digital pen.
Consent Form (.pdf)
To ensure understanding about the implications of participating, we give each person a Consent Form. This form explains that helping our research project involves minimal risks and asks for permission to publish the resulting drawings. Anyone participating can remain anonymous.
Contact us if you are interested in participating or mailing us your digital drawings.