Course Syllabus
Architectural Design Department of Architecture
Arch 484/584 University of Oregon
Prof. Nancy Y. Cheng Spring 2000
Catalogue Description:
Design projects requiring comprehensive and integrative study over a wide range of project options. Individual criticism, group discussions, lectures and seminars by visiting specialists, public review of projects. 6 credits
Prerequisite(s): Core studios 282 or 682 or 683, and Intro to Arch Computer Graphics 222 / 610 or instructors permission.
General Description:
For centuries, architects have used tactile materials and tectonic connections in building environments for inhabitation. Now with simulation technology, we can be transported to imaginary environments of light, sound and motion. How can we build on architectural traditions of physical craft while embracing the opportunities of the ephemeral new media? In computer interfaces, simulated data worlds are accommodated in constructed reality. As microprocessors are embedded into our environments, cars, appliances, clothing and accessories, designers are needed to envision ways that digital devices can improve our lives.
This studio will look at enhancing teamwork through natural and delightful computer media interfaces. Students will design environments and furnishings with digital support for shared activities.
Instructional Objectives:
This course will develop a student's
Instructional Methodology:
Students will work with a local user group to identify activities to be improved by new computing interfaces. Steps:
Students will:
Attendance Policy:
The class will meet MWF from 1:00-4:50 P.M. in 380 Lawrence Hall and at other times and locations with prior arrangement and approval. More than 2 unexcused absences, repeated tardiness or absence from pin-ups or reviews will be grounds for consideration of a No Pass grade.
Course Requirements:
Students are expected to take responsibility for their own learning and come to each class with evidence of their thinking or effort towards the goals of the class. To foster a strong learning community, each students are expected to work in studio, complete assigned readings and contribute to class discussions, activities and resources. Academic honesty is expected of all participants in this course (students and instructor) according to the University's Student Conduct Code.
Students will be required to maintain a Web page of their work in progress and submit both digital and hardcopy output at the end of Review Week. Selected projects may be retained by the department. Each student must have a personal computer with drawing, modeling and image-processing applications. (recommended: FormZ OR Design Workshop, Photoshop, AutoCAD OR PowerCadd). Elementary web authoring skills will be taught using Adobe GoLive (demo available on Duckware CD). 100 MB Zip disks are recommended for redundant back-up.
Grading Policy:
The studio is graded on a Pass / No Pass basis to encourage collaborative efforts. Students will be evaluated according to the departmental criteria on design content, process, media and study skills. Students must bring work to every pin-up to receive credit for the class. Students missing assignments or performing below class standards will be given a warning e-mail or letter by week 6 of the term explaining areas needing improvement. A deferred grade will be given only in accordance with the rules and regulations of the University: it will not be given for incomplete projects.
See the course website: <>
See attached schedule.
Field Trips & Conferences:
Students are encouraged to participate in the following activities:
April 7-8 Constructing Places Conference, Portland
April 13-15 Hopes Conference, Eugene
April 13, 9:00-11:00 am Designing Classrooms for Technology Integration & Accessibility, Knight Library Media Services, Studio A
Instructor Contact Information:
Nancy Yen-wen Cheng, Assistant Professor
204 Pacific Hall, Office Hours: Mon 11-12, Wed 12-1
phone: 346-3674, e-mail:
Note: If you have a documented disability and anticipate needing accommodations in this course, please make arrangements to discuss this with the instructor as soon as possible.