Contact: Jeff Magoto jmagoto@OREGON.UOREGON.EDU
The Yamada Language Center provides self-access language learning, small and large group instruction, and develops computerized learning modules. The director is interested in examining how the following spaces in Pacific Hall can be improved with an eye towards a potential new building.
1) A multimedia, multipurpose, multi-configurable Media Rich Learning Center:
How can we transform the traditional language lab into more flexible media-rich learning space(s) that would allow for a variety of learning arrangements, (lecture, group and individualized work, e.g., 3 labs-in-one) with different media. Can we hide the technology and still make it accessible?
Examine current use of Pac 120, & examine how its functions could be designed into either Pac 120, 115 or 110 + 111.
2) Designing a multimedia studio/office
How could this space be changed to incorporate an office for a manager and 3 GTFs, a media archival space, a materials development center (heavy on hardware, high on comfort), and a secure server, storage area? Currently, Pac114 is a big space that is both under and over utilized in various nooks and crannies.
Ying Tan, Fine & Applied Arts <>
John Rowell, Architecture
The AAA computing facilities are scheduled to undergo immediate renovation to accommodate a new teaching lab of Windows computers in the mezzanine of 283 Lawrence. The current spaces of the Fine Arts Animation Lab, the Design Computing Lab , and the school store are slated for renovation.
The faculty would like to explore how these spaces could be used as a digital archiving workroom and support optimized design presentation in 279 Lawrence. As Dennis Bishop forsees less general workstation lab space and more high-end digital equipment, this area could also include specialized activities such as digital video and sound editing. With the new Multimedia major, designs for Multimedia instruction, production and presentation could be incorporated into the design of a building for the Millrace Northsite.
Steve Johnson, <>
Leisha Mullican, <>
The Decision Research group would like input on how to redesign their office interiors. They would like to improve space utilization and accommodate changing activities in the 2nd floor offices that they rent in a small office building in downtown Eugene (1201 Oak St). They have visiting and part-time scientists who need temporary offices and they have staff in Canada with whom they would like closer connection. In the near future, they plan to increase the number of test subjects on-site. These visitors would need a reception/waiting area and a quiet place to perform computer surveys.
Areas for particular study: