In doing this assignment, students should achieve competency in
- finding, filtering, analyzing and synthesizing information for the design process
- creating an attractive and easy to navigate Web page
- discover technical constraints and affordances of specific computer technology
You are to create a class resource by researching within your given topic to find a focus relevant to the studios design problems.
Your report should address the following:
How does the social context of the technology affect how it is applied?
How does the technology modify or enhances traditional patterns of activity?
What constrains the technologies physical configuration and design?
1. Search information sources including periodical indices, online databases and the Web including:
cutting-edge research papers,
commercial products (reviews & press releases)
creative applications of the technology
2. Gather relevant articles, noting references & links. Narrow your focus as you find an area of interest.
3. Select the most critical topics, aspects or issues; note your impressions & questions
4. Plan your web structure & file naming conventions
5. Thumbnail page layout possibilities, create graphics to make a template page. Or follow the class template page.
6. Create individual pages with text and graphics including
A. Introduction: The topic description, context & underlying assumptions. Statement of your hypothesis: Proposed explanation of the observed phenomenon
B. Observations & measurements which test the hypothesis. Include others' work as well as data personally collected. Include graphic examples and Weblinks.
C. Discussion & Analysis: Explain how the collected information supports your hypothesis or how the original hypothesis has to be modified.
D. Conclusion and summary
E. References
7. Check pages: spelling, links, navigation hierarchy
Note: Uploading other peoples images or words onto your site is NOT acceptable unless you have previously received permission. You may include thumbnail images or short quotes that give reference to the original sources.
A website consisting of at least 5 linked pages uploaded to your Gladstone or Darkwing account.
First presentation: Wednesday April 5 or Monday, April 10
Revisions due: Monday May 8 (week 7) and Thursday June 1 (week 10)
intelligent building controls
small group <10 remote presentation tools
projection or whiteboard markup systems
large audience (20+) presentation / participation tools
interactive installation artwork
public participation artwork
wearable computers
personal digital assistants
intelligent appliances
remote music collaboration tools
language learning collaboration tools
view-through Virtual Reality systems
architectural applications of immersive Virtual Reality systems
3D sketching & modeling tools
Sketch interfaces
Haptic interfaces (touch)
Image based Modeling & Rendering