InterAction InterFace sketch problem
To become familiar with issues in computer-supported collaborative work (CSCW)
To identify questions about human-computer interaction, physical interface and mediated environments
To cultivate quick sketch design skills
Allow your imagination to run free in designing a digitally-enhanced environment for one of the following activities:
In designing a solution, consider the following:
Illustrate your solution or alternatives with sketches or digital images on 11 x 17 horizontal format pages. Include at least one ½ section and a 3D view (axon or perspective) of one scheme. Arrange the images to give the board a clear hierarchy.
Suggested Schedule:
Group discussion & brainstorming with sketches: 3 hours
Research on products, technologies & precedents: 1 ½ hours
Design refinement: 2 hours
Final sketches: 2 hours
Bring work in progress Wed
Pin-up Friday, March 31