Russell J. Donnelly 541-346-4226 (Tel) 541-346-5861 (Fax) |
1 : : 2 : : 3
: : 4 : : 5 Saturated Vapor Pressure The
Calculated Thermodynamic Properties of Superfluid Helium-4 1. Introduction Liquid
helium is a rewarding subject for the study of thermodynamic properties,
especially because helium II, the lower temperature phase, exhibits the
property of superfluidity. The hydrodynamics of this phase are extraordinary:
both normal viscous behavior and superflow may be exhibited in closely
related experiments. Phenomenologically, one speaks of a "two-fluid"
behavior in which the fluid (of density p)1
acts dynamically as if a fraction of effective density pn
flows as a normal fluid, and a fraction of effective densityps
= p - pn flows as an inviscid fluid.
This two-fluid motion of helium II leads to some very unusual results,
such as the wave-like rather than diffusive propagation of temperature
fluctuations (called second sound). Furthermore, the thermodynamic properties
are deeply related to the hydrodynamic: for example, the Gibbs free energy
is related to the square of the relative velocity between the two fluids.
We shall be concerned principally with the static properties of helium
IIin which all net flow velocities are zero. Figure 1 A Schematic diagram of the excitation spectrum for helium II. Details and labels are discussed in the text. Temperature (K)
purpose of this paper is to give an account of the equilibrium thermodynamic
properties of He II and related quantities such as the velocities of first,
second, and fourth sounds and properties of the excitations themselves.
These quantities are used in a wide variety of contexts, both experimental
and theoretical; and it is often important that the data for different
properties be thermodynamically consistent. The ideal solution to this
problem would be a critical compilation of experimental properties over
the entire T-P plane for He II, and some day this will undoubtedly be
possible. At the time this project was begun (1972), the tables in the
appendices of the books by Wilks [11] and Donnelly [12] were the most
complete available, and far from adequate for the task undertaken here. The
computations reported here have been carried out by James Gibbons on a
Hewlett-Packard 2100 A computer. 2. Theoretical Background Although several authors have discussed the Landau spectrum and theory in detail (see, for example, Wilks [11], Donnelly [12], Keller [25], Khalatnikov [26]) we present here a brief description for completeness. Landau's theory for superfluid helium is based on the assumption that the thermal excitations in the liquid can be described as constituting a weakly interacting gas with the energy spectrum given as the solid line in figure 1. It is also assumed that these excitations obey Bose statistics, and therefore the number density of excitations of a particular momentum,n (p) is given by
this expression, we see that the low-lying regions of the energy spectrum
will contribute predominantly to the thermodynamic properties, and referring
to figure 1 we find that there are two such regions on interest. The first
is for small momenta, where the spectrum is approximately linear, and
is called the phonon branch. The other is the energy minimum about momentum
which is nearly parabolic and is called the roton branch, or roton minimum.
Here the energy is much higher, but the density of states is also very
large. Figure 3. The experimentally determined excitation spectrum at 1.1 K, SVP. The dots are the neutron scattering data of Cowley and Woods [2]; the solid line is eqs (20) and (14). The error bar is the smallest experimental error, and is not to be associated with any one data point. At
higher temperatures, however, Yarnell et al. [9], and Henshaw and Woods
[5] observed that the widths of the scattered spectra increase rapidly
with temperatures. For rotons (at (c) in fig. 1) the linewidths, as measured
by the half-width at half maximum ?, approach the magnitude of the energy
itself as approaches (i.e., as ). This
means, among other things, that the lifetimes of the excitations are decreasing
rapidly with increasing temperature. Furthermore, the roton energy ? is
observed to decrease with increasing T and increasing P.
where n is the Bose distribution function (1). Roberts and Donnelly [23] have presented arguments to show that even at arbitrary T and P, (1) and (2) are still valid, provided is available from experiment. They have presented a way in which all the thermodynamic properties may be consistently deduced from experimental dispersion curves [24]. We show in table I the expressions which they have derived for the quantities of interest in the present study. In table I we have omitted the subscripts on and kT for clarity. Table I. Expressions for thermodynamic quantities
3. Experimental Data Used in the Analysis In this section the experimental data underlying the Landau theory is discussed 3.1. Data Obtained by the inelastic Scattering of Thermal Neutrons from Helium II The energies and line widths of the elementary excitations of helium II are obtained from examination of inelastically scattered thermal neutrons. The techniques are discussed in detail, for example, in a recent review article by Woods and Cowley [8]. We shall use the measured energy spectrum, following Bendt, Cowan, and Yarnell [10], as the basis for our computations of the thermodynamic properties of helium II from the Landau theory. A completely determined experimental excitation spectrum is shown in figure 3 for T = 1.1 K, at the SVP. The shape of this spectrum is a complicated function of pressure and temperature, and to use the Landau theory one must first know the detailed spectrum for every value of P and T. A complete set of data for a single pressure and temperature such as is shown in figure 3 is a major experimental undertaking. Hence it is necessary to find a method of estimating the energy spectrum for general P and T accurate enough that derivatives such as appear in table I may be accurately determined. In the sections below, we discuss the salient features of the excitation spectrum obtained from various kinds of experiments, and in section 3.1.e we describe a method of representing the spectrum as a power series in momentum, with pressure- and temperature-dependent coefficients. 3.1.a. The Phonon Branch For momentum p decreasing to zero, the phonon branch of the energy spectrum approaches linearity, in accordance with theoretical predictions (cf. Feenberg [27]). Here we take the energy spectrum, as indicated at (a) in figure 1, to be
u1 is the velocity of ultrasonic (first) sound, a temperature- and pressure-dependent
quantity which may be determined experimentally either from the slope
of the excitation spectrum in the zero momentum limit, or more conveniently
from experimental first sound data (see section 4.2.a). 3. 1.b. The Maxon Branch The
elementary excitations which have energies at or near the first energy
maximum, (b) in figure 1, have come to he called "maxons". This
part of the spectrum has been measured at
is the density at T= 0 and the coefficients En are
E0 = -216.5672 (K)
E1 = 3998.6005 (K g-1 cm3)
E2 = -23028.6027 (K g-2 cm6)
E3 = 44199.7232 (K g-3 cm9) Equation 4a is a fit to the neutron data of Cowley and Woods [2] and Graf et al. [6] and is plotted with the data in figure 4. The rather slow temperature dependence of the peak is represented by
Values of
are given in table 21, the conversion
to pressure being obtained from the equation of state. Figure 4. The density dependence of the maxon peak. Triangle, Cowley, and Woods [2]; circles, Graf et al. [6]; solid line, eq (4).
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