Report by Senate President Gilkey to the 10 May 2000 meeting of the UO Senate


Documents distributed to the UO Senate

Packet One

  1. Agenda for the 10 May 2000 Senate Meeting (white paper)
  2. Agenda for the 24 May 2000 Senate Meeting (white paper)
  3. Motion US9900-11A regarding the Distinguished Services Committee (white paper)
  4. Conferral of degrees (white paper)
  5. Letter from Jim Imamura (Chair CoC email:) giving the recommendations of the Committee on Committees regarding composition of faculty committees for 2000/2001 (salmon paper)
  6. US9900-17 Motion from N.C.Phillips re Undergraduates enrolling in Graduate Courses (lavender)
  7. US9900-16 Resolution from J. Grzybowski re GTTF & UO Labor Management relations. Although this resolution has been withdrawn by the maker, it is distributed to the Senate at the request of Senator Grzybowski to provide background information for the discussion on the subject to follow. See also Memo from M. Grier Re (FERPA) and statement by Paul Prew (GTFF President) (blue paper)

Packet Two (US9900-15)

  1. Motion US9900-15 concerning Committee Structures.(yellow paper)
  2. US9900-15a Basic principles underlying University wide committees, advisory groups, and boards (yellow paper)
  3. US9900-15b Revised University Wide Committee Stucture (golden paper)
  4. US9900-15c Revisions to Senate Bylaws (pink paper)
  5. Senate Charter and Bylaws relevant to US9900-15c (cherry paper)

Documents distributed to the UO Senate Packet Three (Green paper)

  1. Implementation of US9900-10B
  2. Letter from UO President Frohnmayer to M. Roeper WRC, official notification (pages one and two) JPEG scanned format
  3. Email from President Frohnmayer dated 20 April 2000 and dealing with Diversity
  4. Letter from President Frohnmayer to members of the Presidents Associates dated 25 March 2000 and dealing with the WRC
  5. Email from President Frohnmayer to the UO Community dealing with the WRC
  6. Email from Kate Northcott to Senate President Gilkey dealing with the WRC
  7. Email from Mike Unger to Senate President Gilkey dealing with the WRC
  8. Use of Senate Executive Committee (2000/2001) as Senate Oversight Committee RE US9900-10B
  9. Email from Huaxin Lin re WRC 5 May 2000
  10. Email from Scott Kerlin re U of Oregon White Paper, Faculty Survey, and Budget Issues 5 May 2000 4 May 2000
  11. Minutes of the Intercollegiate Athletics Committee Meeting 29 March 2000
  12. Information concerning rulemaking hearing regarding "transfer of staff fee priviledges".


  1. The Legislative governance structure pertaining to the University of Oregon was passed by the UO Assembly on 17 May 1995 - it may only be altered by the University Assembly in accordance with sections 2.4 and 6.6. Article 5.2 states: "The vice president shall be elected from among the officer-of-instruction senators completing the first year of their terms and will become president at the end of the following year by confirmation of the senate. The president shall thus hold that position during his or her third year in the senate." Pursuant to this legislation, I solicit nominations for suitable candidates for the office of Vice President of the UO Senate for academic 2000/2001.  The election will be held at the business meeting of the Senate 24 May 2000. Before submitting a name, please check that the candidate is willing to serve if elected. Nominations (including self-nominations) can be sent to the President of the Senate (Peter Gilkey), to the Secretary of the Senate (Gwen Steigelman), or to the Chair of the Senate Nominating Committee (Priscilla Southwell).
  2. The Senate Budget Committee has held several meetings recently discussing the question of where instructors fit into the picture of the White Paper and the projected  compensation increases over the next 5-7 years. It is a complicated question. The UO has instructors and senior instructors. Some are full time and others are part time. There  are various FTE's across the campus. Some are tenure-related, others are not. Some units of the University have hiring processes and reappointment procedures for instructors, others do not. The SBC needs sound data about instructors in order to make sense out of this and to see where the compensation part of the issue fits into larger questions about the relation of instructors to other faculty. The SBC is only looking at the compensation question and their previous work has been based on sound data. They need the same quality data about instructors at the UO and at comparator institutions. The SBC has begun the process of gathering that data and hopes to present its initial finding to the Senate in Fall 2000.
  3. On Tuesday May 16 at 11AM in Room 358 (Susan Campbell Hall) there will be a rulemaking hearing on OAR 580-022-0031 (Transfer of Staff Fee Priviledges). "The primary purpose of the proposed rule is to provide enhanced educational opportunities and quality resources to Oregon residents by improving Department of Higher Education employee recruitment and retention and attracting top level faculty, administrators, and staff". See Notice of Hearing
  4. On Monday 8 May 2000, the FAC passed a resolution supporting President Frohnmayer:

Web page spun on 08 May 2000 by Peter B Gilkey 202 Deady Hall, Department of Mathematics at the University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1222, U.S.A. Phone 1-541-346-4717 Deady Spider Enterprises