Course: Arch 484/584, Instructor: Nancy Cheng
Jerzy Wojtowicz & Tom Staniszkis, Univ. of British Columbia

Screen to Screen Re-vision

| screen 1 | screen 2 | screen 3 | screen 4 | screen 5 |

Given the loose definition of what constituted a screen and the option of free-play, several students subverted the original author's intentions.


marcus's screen icon
& reconstructed -->
lloyd cunningham's collaged sculpture Lloyd Cunningham first examined the components of Marcus Koch's screen and gently worked within their conventions.Finding that too rigid, he freely recombined the pieces into a sculpture.

greg thomson's screen
richard furbacher's interpretation of greg's screen While Greg Thomson created a screen which implied layering of rotated & shifted geometric elements, Richard Furbacher took the shapes as stencils for a subtly painted continuous panels.

deanna hoffman's reading of brian meissner's screen
figurative transformation The laser cut pieces stimulated new combinations.

greg thomson's screen

jj lee's hollywood treatment of greg's screen Playing with the lasercut components of Greg's screen led to some more fantastic visions. JJ Lee created towers complete with guy wires and scripted their destruction.

individual presentations


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edited Feb 9, 1997 by nywcheng