Monday, April 04, 2005

Questions from the Science reference desk 4/4

Q: I need to know the fossil record and evolution of the Douglas Fir (that's Pseudotsuga menziesii, to you!). And also, how did plate techtonics effect its location?

A: I took this over from Victoria, and the student even came back later in the afternoon. There were a few things on GeoBase, GeoRef and ASP. But, we got more stuff with just the Genus name and left off the species name. But, the student seemed to be intimidated by the articles found. We encouraged them to at least look at the introductions to see what could be found.

Q: Where do I find the book that *starts* with the call number KWA....

A: I thought this was totally whack. But, I looked it up and it was there. We went to the shelf and voila! Right there. What kind of a cataloger puts THREE letters at the beginning of a call number? Huh?


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