Arch 484/584 Architectural Design


Resources from related classes

UO Design Collaboration Winter'99
University of Minnesota's Design in the Digital Age
Cornell University Digital Studio
University of Washington Designing Virtual Environments
ACADIA's Library of the Future Competition

Electronic Presentation

These sites emphasize technology for large screen presentation: Interactive Landscape for Creativity and Innovation*
       Designs for wall, table and chair with technology
Stanford Interactive Workspaces Project
MIT Datawall
Univ of Minnesota's Powerwall

Electronic Classrooms

Cornell Univ. Computer Services:  Design Guidelines*
Ball State University Electronic Classrooms
University of Oregon's Computer Labs

Office Design

Cornell International Workplace Studies Program
      Social science research with some workplace design
Steelcase: See Learning Environments, Groupwork, Lighting
Herman Miller Research
     See Supporting Collaborative Work under Evolutionary Workplaces
Intelligent Workplace at Carnegie Mellon University

Research Indices & Link Lists

CUMINCAD: Ziga Turk's Cumulative Index of CAD: searchable research and paper index for architectural computer-aided design
Special Interest Group in Computer Human Interfaces (SIGCHI): Includes full text of past several years conference papers
Usability Links on Human-Computer Interface
Usability First
Nancy Cheng's Links

Research Groups

MIT Media Lab
Univ of Washington's Human Interface Technology Lab (HIT Lab)

Mitsubishi's Electronic Research Lab (MERL)
Xerox PARC

Moruzumi Lab
Sasada Lab

Eindhoven Virtual Reality

Key Centre for Design Computing at Sydney
Columbia University

Georgia Tech
Texas A&M
Brown University

Ellen Isaacs on media-supported collaboration
Thomas Erickson on virtual communities
Mark Gross on the sketching interfaces
Brenda Laurel on compelling computing
William Mitchell on architectural implications of cyberspace
Donald Norman on sensible design

Collaborative Work

Computer-Supported Cooperative Work: Technology for interaction Doerry, Eckehard & Douglas, Sarah, Looking for Trouble: Communicative Breakdown in co-present & technology-mediated interaction?
In pairs of biology students learning together, communication failure occurred in 4 ways: verbal turn-taking, cursor turn-taking, topic breakdown and Reference breakdown. Explains that non-verbal cues in the peripheral vision provide critical information in face-to-face situations. In audio/video-access, the need to focus either on the task or the team-member?s face gives a schizophrenic quality to the visual information. It was also difficult for the students to see details of the partner?s non-verbal communications

Gartner J.& Hanappi Egger, E., in ACM Interactions, March/April 1999.
Compares group-support software on multiple workstations vs. facilitation with LCD projection vs. facilitation & with facilitation with no technology. Authors support the flexibility of using a single computer & projection for the directness & portability.

Poltrock, S. & Engelbeck, G., Requirements for a virtual collocation environment Examines how groups of office-workers interact through formal meetings in rooms and informal interactions within common spaces.

Architectural implications of Cyberspace

Mitchell, William J., E-media: "urban life, jim: but not as we know it?", MIT Press, 1999
Fun & accessible book explains how our relationships, homes, workplaces, and cities are being changed by information networks and technology embedded into our environments. KNIGHT HE7631 .M58 1999

Mitchell, William J., City of Bits: space, place and the infobahn, Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, 1995
Rijken, Dirk, ?Information in Space: Explorations in Media and Architecture? in ACM Interactions, May/June 1999.
A wide-ranging article exploring the similarities and differences between built architecture and virtual environments or information space. Looks at interesting metaphors (such as temporary spaces created by a VIP entourage), touches on how real life is being changed by information. Talks about understanding architecture through the context in which it is situated.

Live video session by PBS on Designing Classrooms for Technology and Accessibilit
Fortune magazine's Office of the Future's links on Cyberspace

DegreZero's Cyberspace Design links

Cultural Implications of Technology

Laurel, Brenda, Computers as Theatre, Reading Ma: Addison Wesley, 1993. QA76.9.H85 L38 1993

Digital Arts

ISEA: International Society of Electronic Arts
Leonardo Electronic Almanac and other journals

the Remedi Project