

Case Studies

Universities throughout the Nation are initiating alternative transportation campaigns to promote carpooling, vanpooling, bicycling and even walking. Our team looked at the following four Universities to see what they are doing to promote alternative transportation throughout their campus settings.




Humboldt facilitate several alternative transportation methods for students and faculty/staff. These methods range from carpooling incentives to free public transit. A better known program offered through Humboldt is the Bicycle Learning Center, where students and staff can use tools for free to maintain their bicycle. This program offers seminars, videos and other materials to educate on safe and comfortable bicycle riding as well as how to use other forms of alternate transportation. In relation to bicycle incentives, the City of Arcata, California has a Community Bike Program, which, for a $20.00 refundable deposit a person can rent a bike for up to six months.

To Visit Humboldt's Homepage Click Here
To Visit Humboldt’s Parking and Commuting Services Click Here



The University of British Columbia’s Trip Reduction Research Education Knowledge (TREK) Program promotes all forms of alternative transportation to and around their Vancouver campus. TREK provides shuttle buses, free or reduced price public transportation to students and faculty/staff, biking workshops, carpool incentives, and carpool coordinating. All of TREK’s services are facilitated by the Transportation Planning Department. What is most unique about UBC’s approach to alternative transportation is their comprehensive TREK website. On the TREK website UBC users can access information about all types of alternative transportation. They can register for carpools or search the carpool database for carpool partners, find bus schedules, or rent natural gas vans for vanpooling.

To Visit the University of British Columbia’s Homepage Click Here



To compensate for the lack of parking, the University of California San Diego has developed the Rideshare program, which coordinates a variety of alternative forms of transportation. Examples of Rideshare programs include: carpool/vanpool programs, the Pedal Club, and the Transit Club. Discount parking permit rates are available for those who choose to carpool or vanpool. The pedal club is available to students and faculty who ride their bikes to campus at least 3 days a week. In return they receive a discount on maintenance work and bike parts from the UCSD Bike Shop, free bike safety courses and up to three courtesy rides per year in times of emergencies or illness. Similar benefits exist for those involved in the Transit Club. In addition, those who participate in any of the rideshare programs receive an occasional use permit worth 10 complimentary days of parking. These permits provide flexibility on days when alternative transportation is not an option. Finally all faculty and students with a university ID can receive a free bus transit sticker which allows them to use the San Diego Transit system free of charge. To find out more information about these and other transportation programs click the link below.

To Visit University of California, San Diego’s Transportation Page Click Here




CU Boulder has a progressive transportation plan. Here are some highlights of their sustainable transportation programs: Pedestrian friendly campus, Shuttle Bus Service, Extensive Bike Routes, Bike Station - bike repairs and information on campus, Free bike rental - to students, faculty, and staff alike, Free public transit on local and regional lines, and Guaranteed Ride Home. They also offer many unique incentives, including interest-free loans for students purchasing new bicycles, and a Changed Habits in Parking (CHIP) Pass, which gives four daily parking passes to a driver in exchange for their regular monthly parking permit.

To Visit CU Bolder Homepage Click Here
To Visit CU Environmental Center Sustainable Transportation Page Click Here