The following document was transmitted to Senate President Peter Gilkey on 4 May 2000 as an enclosure in an email from GTFF President Paul Prew ( This document is posted per the request of Paul Prew

X-From_: majordom Wed Apr 5 16:14:20 2000
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2000 15:53:26 -0700 (PDT)
From: Graduate School <>
Subject: grad_school_news: Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
X-VMS-To: IN%""



You will be receiving a copy of the following message in your mailbox within the next day or two.

Please read it carefully and respond as soon as possible.

-Marian Friestad, Dean


The Graduate School has been advised that in order to be in compliance with the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) we must obtain explicit permission from each GTF before we can release information to the Graduate Teaching Fellows Federation (GTFF). FERPA is a federal law that was adopted to protect students' privacy and to allow students access to their records. Under FERPA every student has the right to keep information about themselves private from organizations outside the University. Therefore, you may decide whether or not the Graduate School can release information about you to the GTFF.

The main reason that the GTFF needs this information is in order to process your health insurance benefits. Please complete the form provided below, and return this notice to the Graduate School, 125 Chapman Hall as soon as possible. If you have already completed such a form (e.g., on a new Spring Term contract), you can ignore this message. You must indicate by checking one of the boxes below whether or not you authorize the University of Oregon to release information (name, ID number, and terms of employment) to the Graduate Teaching Fellows Federation (GTFF). The GTFF needs this information to verify access to health insurance benefits. Your authorization to release information to the GTFF will remain in effect for the duration of your appointment as a GTF.

________ Yes, I authorize the University of Oregon to release this information to the GTFF.

________ No, I do not authorize the University of Oregon to release this information to the GTFF.

Student ID# ___________________ Department _____________________

Name (please print clearly) ______________________________________

Signature _____________________________________________________


Web page spun on 04 May 2000 by Peter B Gilkey 202 Deady Hall, Department of Mathematics at the University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1222, U.S.A. Phone 1-541-346-4717 of Deady Spider Enterprises