Implementation of US9900-10B

US9900-10B, passed by the UO Senate on 12 April 2000, states: "The UO Senate endorses the recommendation of the Ad Hoc Committee on UO Trademark Licensee Code of Conduct that the UO join the Worker Rights Consortium for the purpose of the Consortium monitoring UO licensee compliance with our Code of Conduct. Membership would be for one year, with the option to  renew for subsequent years, based on the recommendation of a University Senate oversight committee established to review our  membership on an annual basis." During academic 2000/2001, the Senate Executive Committee will function as the Senate oversight  committee described in US9900-10B and will bring its recommendation to the Senate in due course".

The Executive Committee will meet regularly with the Vice President for public affairs and development on this matter and will be actively engaged in the review process. Comments will be invited from the affected community (students, administrators, faculty, trustees, alumni, licensees, etc.). The recommendation from the Senate Executive Committee will, subsequent to appropriate Senate action, be transmitted to the President of the University of Oregon.

The Senate Executive Committee was consulted Wednesday 26 April 2000, the Faculty Advisory Committee was consulted Monday 1 May 2000, the UO Student Senate was consulted Wednesday 3 May 2000, and the President of the University was consulted Thursday 4 May 2000 regarding the implementation of US9900-10B.

Peter B Gilkey (UO Senate President 1999/2000)

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