The following document was received from Jack Rice. It is transmitted to the UO Senate and posted on the web with his permission.
John Moseley, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs is currently undergoing a periodic administrative review. Such reviews are typically conducted on a regular basis (every five years) and are made only after consulting colleagues both at the University of Oregon and elsewhere.

The review committee, chaired by George Shipman, has already solicited input from external referees, Deans, present and past chairs of committees such as the FPC and FAC, and several Officers of Administration. With this email, the committee invites input from department heads, center, institute and program directors. We also ask that you share this invitation with faculty and staff in your unit.

The committee specifically encourages submission of evaluations of Provost Moseley's performance and leadership over the past five years. If you have any special observations about Provost Moseley, his achievements or general stature within the profession and academy, the committee would be pleased to receive them. Any comparisons of Provost Modeley with peers in academic administration would be greatly appreciated. For your information, we have placed Moseley's curriculum vitae and his personal review statement on the Academic Affairs Web page. The URLs for these two documents are:

Although Oregon law permits full access of a faculty member to his or her personnel files, Provost Moseley has voluntarily waived in advance his legal right of access to all review documents, with the expectation that this waiver will enable referees to prepare thorough and candid evaluations. . Since this waiver has been reviewed for its legality, I can assure you that the University will not disclose your comments to Provost Moseley, although we cannot predict whether challenge in a court might result in such disclosure. With the waiver, however, Provost Moseley retains his right to request a substantive summary of all evaluative remarks, carefully edited to avoid disclosure of the identity of the author.

Evaluations and/or comments will be accepted until March 15, 2000. Signed written statements may be mailed to George Shipman at the Knight Library. Alternatively, you may email your comments to Carol White at .

Jack M.
Associate Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
Office of Academic Affairs 346-3029
Department of Geological Sciences 346-3005 
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